people who ruin maple story

i have a huge ass list seriously
lvl 40+
ok noobs ruin the game because well come on every where i go can you train me can you train me and i have mesos can i have some mesos can i have free junk can i have free junk i mean whats wrong with you guys lord
why do you think we call you nobs -.-


Okay well this doesnt go for all the theifs but those theifs that are higher levels and think that they can do anything
ive noticed that theifs always pick on the noobs the most. i mean when i was a noob these theifs come up to me and start dissing me out of no where like oh my god please leave us along

lvl 40+

Now again im not saying everyone is like this but most of the time lvl 40+ maplers ruin the game by showing of and mocking other people because compared to them the characters suck. theres a long list of people or lvl 40’s who do this belive me

well ofcourse hackers just suck i mean come one your just ruining the game for everyone else who plays i mean randomly hacking someone not cool o.O


these people you REALLY need to watch out for people who say drop yours best items or secretly take you some where people im telling you dont drop your items i have been scamed before because i was dumb ^^

Well thats the end of my list ty for reading

12 thoughts on “people who ruin maple story”

  1. totally, but i am lvl 40 -_-” but im nice to newbs. but i nvr know if they are faking noobs, cuz one day i gave a noob 10k and then he logged off, and logged on with a lvl 5X character and called me a noob for givng him money O.o

  2. I’m Lv.68, and consider myself EXTREMELY nice to all players. I give money to poor newbies, spare items, give out information, what have you. And if someone does something nice for me, I fame them, as they deserve it. Just remember that every “stereotype” you make has exceptions. Except hackers and scammers, they suck.

  3. noob suck asse, and by thiefs u mean sins that show off and ks, majority (erm, not all) show off and make others angry, and enviuos causing them to hack to lvl, making them noobs =P, and scammer suck look at my little thing i made here:

    Lvl 10 noob thiefs see the lvl 40+ pl showing off, then scam and hack, so basically, they all fall into one catagory, &$$h0L3s

  4. hahaha i get you vinneh and other people im not say everyone is like that im just saying many people are

  5. Well I agree with you about the hackers and scammers for the most part (and noobs, by my definition), but I expected to see “KSers” in this list. You shouldn’t really say lvl40+ (though I understand where you’re coming from, that’s when egos fly and people think they’re way better than you–this is where all the big sin ksers pop up the most, imho), and you definitely shouldn’t group all the hate to thieves. All classes are able to ks in some area, thieves definitely can’t ks in all. It’s not the level or class, it’s the person. And not all hackers ruin the game, either, for anyone who wants to totally flame me about this. I already stated enough about them in Guruji’s latest blog.

  6. haha it was probably my friend who scammed you but i not telling who it was hahahahahahahahaha u suck lol XD
    jk bye

  7. I’m like, a level 67 thief, so I get right up there on both of your lists. But let me tell you, I’m not really a KSer and I don’t generally mock people. I just try to help people when I can, I guess,

  8. yeah

    like sietelle said, put in Ksers

    and dont forget “CC Preachers” (as i like to call em)

  9. oh okay lol i forgot kserz aha my mistake

    and im not realy against theives just those onez who have all the attitude ( i got quite a few theives who id love to mass defame) lol actualy i had a lvl 33 rouge before so lols im not pointing anything out

  10. I personally think there are two type of hackers: Good and Bad
    OK they all bad i know that. But like, the ones that hack and get people’s account information and take all the stuff. They should die.
    The good hackers im talking about though are hte ones that vac hack. Its good especially for us Clerics. I caught a couple of them in Monkey Forest and Subway, and they all spawn into one litttle area and its the BEST since you dont have to jump around and all that stuff. and the hackers were really nice and they let me kill and train with them. I think they wanted me around because if GM or someone came, they woudl think that I did it.
    Still i had fun when they were hacking
    But im such a hypocrite since i report them all the time. hahahaha~

  11. I’m level 5x, but I’m way nice to other players. I usually go on runs of getting quest items for them and helpin them out. This gets me decent fame rating too

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