This is a rather late entry, since I meant to put this up earlier as the first part is about last weeks event and such. The second part is about something that touches more on the emotional side of us all, if youre a decent human being, that is. If you dont care to read the second part, just stop reading after the pseudo tag. In the future, entries will be less frequent like now because I’m on break for college (a ridiculously long break), so I’m going to be doing a lot of traveling and such.
Note: I didnt so much care about grammar this time around, so my apologies if some parts are fragments and such. Anyways, onto my thoughts on last week:
Well, they’ve finally done it. Come on everybody, let’s all give our hands to Nexon for finally doing the unthinkable.
To backtrack a bit, this is largely about the results of the “rollbacks” of many people across MapleStory. Because of them, people were forced to revert back to previous levels, previous gaining/losing of items, and money. To make up for the two days or so of irritating server checks, and to rightfully “compensate” the general public (aka make them eat out of the palm of their hands), Nexon issued that Wednesday to Sunday of this week, there would be 2x from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PST, and all people affected by the rollback would receive a 24 hour all day 2x card. I.e., Nexon spoils the general public yet again, feeding them like horses coming to sugar cubes.
Anyways, to get back to what I was talking about…I love 4x experience. It’s so much better than 2x experience. I mean, how could it not be sweet? I wish I could buy a 4x card in cs after this event. It’s not like it’s hacking or anything. Oh wait. To me, it is Legalized Hacking. Too bad I don’t use any of that nonsense. If you don’t see what I mean, please, by all means, allow me to put this into perspective for you. Since I’m a ranger, let’s go with that example. Say a ranger just hit 120, okay? If this ranger got a 2x card from buying it in cs or rollback or whatever, and hime partied all these days during the 2x exp event times, the outcome would be ridiculous. As a ranger, if I were to hime with a good Dragon Knight and Priest, I would make roughly 10% an hour, expwise. Now say I used a 2x card, that’s 20% an hour. Now use that 2x card during the 2x event. That’s 40% an hour. Had a ranger with better equips than me (Mine aren’t the greatest, but some are nice) done that, he would’ve been able to kill much faster, so the exp would be 50% an hour.
Now to fully put that into perspective, that’s a level 120ish ranger, leveling at 50% an hour. The Event Times are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PST, so 12 hours. Every two hours, this ranger could level. So every 12 hours, this ranger could level 6 times. Yes, my peers, that is 6 levels per day…and that’s only during the 12 hours. The 2x All Day card still lasts…well, all day, so just imagine if he trained on 2x beyond the 4x in one day, or beyond supposed 6x, which was if someone who got rollbacked got a 24 hour card plus buying a card plus event. This Event lasts for 4 1/2 days or so. This ranger would be making around 24 levels in a good hime party, give or take a few because of the increase of total exp to gain in order to level. Still though, I can’t believe it. To me, that’s ridiculous. I’m both disappointed in and ashamed by Nexon.
</ Past Week Discussion>
Glad thats over.
And so a new week dawned upon us maplers, and enemies turned unto brothers yet again after they so intently fought and sought their own greed of the one and only thing that mattered to them during those days: Time- The time that they could feed their exp hunger but using that Time normally wasnt good enough. They had to abuse it and exploit it as most all have done in the past, but I shant say more.
Right now, Im afk in AR, about to train at my wonderful training spot, undisturbed by both friend and stranger. Just me, my map, and my Hans Zimmer music, as I sit in my newly acquired and much enjoyed computer chair, gazing out my window right in front of my monitor, watching the clouds uncover the shining light of the Moon once more, as I think about much of the past-people, moments, memories, family, and my experiences on this world I call my 2nd home-Maple. What do you think about when you listen to the right music and just sit there gazing out your window at this vast world that is much greater than we could ever imagine? I mean, that is if youre into that sort of thing, as I am, but hey, each unto his own, no?
A Small Measure of Peace ~ Hans Zimmer (The Last Samurai Soundtrack ((good movie)) )
To you who has lost the reason to get up out of bed in the morning, but still somehow manage to, I really do hope you find, as the title speaks, a small measure of peace. Just remember, you’re never alone.
Over the time span of c. 2005-2007, Ive met many people. Some friendly, and later on friends, and some that slipped away. Some that were never nice at all, and still arent. People I used to look up to, but later faded away into the abysmal emptiness that missing someone instills in one. In my life, whether it be the real world, or the Real friends I made in this virtual intended utopia, every single person I met would come, yet always exit Stage Left from my life in some way, shape, or form for various reasons, whether it be a job, getting married, loss of affections/love from those very special ones, moving on with Life, the dreaded Fate all of us ultimately fall to in time, or other miscellaneous reasons.
Ive had my decent times, and my not so great times, but at least now, thats all over with. Granted, most of my friends are still gone, but those that I still have with me, I treasure so very much. Its not how many friends you have, its the kind of friends you have, and just how good/close of a relationship you have with those people. The amount of people Ive lost will most likely never be less than the amount of people I gain, as its easier for one to lose, than to gain. Now, I have my guild, which isnt even a guild, but a family. Weve all had each others friendship for years now. Its great. I have my friends, I have my 2nd family, and most importantly, I have Her-She who makes everything worthwhile and always manages to put a smile on this ones face, even when shes not around.
This may bore you, and if so, dont read it, and Im sorry if it is such, but I thought Id show those of you reading that your friendship with those you hold dear isnt something to be taken for granted. You never know how important someone is or find it surprising just how much someone meant to you, until you lose them, for whatever reason/s. I wont lecture you, but please, for the love of all that is good, take the time to let your friends know that you appreciate them. It really does make a difference. Also never a bad idea to show that you have a Heart every once in a while, for those outspoken introverts out there. Just something Ive been thinking about lately, I suppose.
For those of you that care, I hope you took something from this, if anything good at all. For those of you that dont, I honestly dont give a crap regarding your opinion or anything you have to say, really. Im not asking you all to do this, Im telling you. Also, in the meantime, Ive read some other random entries at whim that particularly tickled my curiosity, and Ive seen that while a lot of people are nice here, there are a rude some out there of which I hope your maple characters lagdie or something, multiple times. Theres no need for your incessant, ignorant, and pointless jargon. If you dont have anything constructive to say, dont say it. Please excuse my French, but frankly, no one gives a damn. Please go find attention elsewhere. I could honestly care less what you might possibly say here, but for the sake of everyone else, if you read this, reconsider why youre being as you are. Its not very nice at all, and shame on the lot of you that act as such. It makes some people feel bad, which is reason enough not to.
Anyways, I think Ive added enough to this entry to put it up, even if this was a slow culmination of my thoughts bundled together with little regard for proofreading or anything. Im sure I made mistakes in this in some places, but I didnt so much care to proofread or refine this in the least bit, mainly because Im getting over actual insomnia right now, not fake insomnia that people get because they ruined their own sleep schedule.
Since some of you had the courtesy to give your thoughts, big or small, I shall personally give you my own response, so in reply to what some of you said…To MasterCheez, Power Rangers was an awesome TV show, back when everything was intentionally fake, but amused so many kids of those times, myself included, though not so much anymore, seeing as they aren’t running out of ideas, but in fact, have no more real ideas. To SilverFx, why yes, yes we are sexy, and thank you for your compliment. I like to think I ramble holding to my signature sarcastic tone maintaining my own sarcastic equillibrium most of the time. F2 To RussetAure, I said hermits use stars and rangers use arrows to attack 4 times. F6 Ah well. To Ganache, me thinks you are a very sensible one indeed, and you know what’s important. Such a good trait to have these days. I really respect that. To FireLeo86, I don’t really know what the game’s about, but that’s what came to mind when I heard what those people said. It has Rocket in the name, and a picture of a mouse. Go figure.
Last but not least, to lazydame, thank you for your compliments. They’re much appreciated. I am what I am, and aim that to those who read this in a presentable manner, yet still holding to my sarcastic tone. F2 You’re quite delightful yourself.
To my friend who’s encountering much difficulty, may the light of Peace shine upon you. You know I’m not religious, but spiritual, I am. I still pray to God that he may bless and help you in the future with your inner struggles.
Well, I shant say much more, as I need to get some sleep in some time, seeing as I have to wake up really early for a meeting with my Academic Advisor to schedule Winter Quarters classes for college, so I shall be off to finish reading my Trinity Blood Rage Against the Moons: Silent Noise novel, and possibly some Tsubasa Chronicle afterwards if I feel like it, then get some sleep. Good books, though the former is not intended for younger audiences.
Take care, to all of you, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your nights or whatever time of day it is for you right now. I need sleep, so I’m off to bed. I love my wife. <3 Later.
If they stacked multiplicatively
2x EXP card
2x EXP event
2x EXP All-day Ticket
Max Holy Symbol
12x EXP *drools*
*twacks Ganz* That would be one level an hour. >>;
Friends. Recent events have made me more inclined to believing that perhaps I shouldn’t hold online friends too dearly. They like to leave, and it makes things unhappy. ._. Simplistic way of putting things, but eh.
Good blog, as always.
ok why the hell are you against 2xp? if NEXON declares a 2xp event, that is a GOOD thing. so wat if we are ‘eating out of their hands’? its the only conpensation they’ll give us for those damn rollbacks. In the weel following the rollbacks, i went up from 62 to 65, training the entire time.
because of 2xp, it was worth my time and effort to kill buffies (1k exp during 2xp). level 64-lv 64 took me six hours. You want me to take 12 hours?!
i have things in RL to do too, you know, and further more, i give u the middle finger for calling it HACKING! I was given 2xp cards, but i missed the 2xp hours so i trained on 2xp and NOT 4xp! (stupidmemissing2xphoursand findingabouttitafterwardhere).
I kinda figure why they called ksing actual hackers ‘3rd party hacking’ (which is also stupid) and i stopped ksing botters along time ago, because i didnt wanna get banned (good fast xp, but u burn up pots really fast, and hackers suddenly vanish and u gotta find another one to ks).
how dare you call 2xp hacking, even if you used the word ‘legalized’. might as well call those safety charms (cash items save u from losing exp when u die) hacking too or double drop hacking!
anyways thats my reaction to your overly-conservative views on bonus xp. u have the right to your own opinion and if you want to take longer to level, go ahead. i dont use the 2xp cards because i hardly get the chance to buy NX, but when i log in during 2xp or find a free card in my inventory, i am happy and i use it. in the mean time I, lv 65 sindit, PQ at the ludi maze and because i want to hit 75-80 by year’s end, i do plan on using the 2xp cards, because
face it, the mosters my level do alot of damage and i use alot of mp for my savage blow, haste and DB (costs ALOT in pots to train a whole level, even in 2xp) and each kill, the normal exp is HORRIBLE.
ppl advise me i should go kill golems or coolies, becausse they are easy to kill. well, golems take forever and i mean FOREVER, and the coolie maps are always crowded, while the buffys map (path of time below ludi) is sufficient only during 2xp. don’t think fast xp is rediculous. i dont want to take years and years to get to a high level, nor do i want to waste every single day on maple. a few hours a day is my limit.
fast xp is sweet.
anyways dont hate me. i had a bad day and had to let off some steam. sorry for being so blunt.
but calling 2xp hacking, ? that just tweaked too many nerves XP
Wolf, hun, if you’re KSing a hacker to get exp, you’re a filthy hacker too. You might as well have just downloaded the software and did it yourself. You should just delete your character, it’s not legit.
You contradict yourself. This is Onyx’s opinion, why do you feel the need to voice your unwanted illiterate arguement? Because frankly you have no solid points. 2x exp can be considered a form of legalized hacking because it’s a service to gain faster exp. Some people can’t afford this, and if the most of the NX community trains solely on 2x exp, then what’s the point in anyone who can’t afford it, or refuses to waste money on it, training?
If you can only be bothered spending a few hours a day to train, then you should only level up a little. Getting to a high level requires EFFORT. it’s SUPPOSED to be hard. Not to mention, some of us got to our levels BEFORE the days of 2x cards. Maplers are so spoiled these days. Wouldn’t it have been smarter to take the time from that rant and use it for maple? oh wait- too late.
Anyway, lovely entry Onyx, I always enjoy reading your thoughts, you’re so insightful. I’m glad you feel the same way about your internet friends, it’s comforting. The loss of any friend is always a horrible experience, and it’s nice to know someone is able to relate.
Rappsickle, you’ve said everything I wanted to say already.
i kno getting to a high level requires hard work, and i do spend a few hours each day to train.
i kinda was just full of hot gas when i posted that, and too bad you cant take down your own comments
i stopped ksing hackers a LONG time ago when i did realise it was 3rd-party hacking, the whole idea is debatable, but since everyone decided to call it hacking, i stopped doing it and trained legit.
i never used 2xp cards cuz i cant afford it either, and i was happy to have trained on 2xp.
anyways sorry for causing a stir