my days are so RaNdOm, i LoVe it. <3


who ever knew that getting three books would be so hard?
not me.
if you havent guessed it already, i did the Maple History Book Quest thingy.
the books were in Grendel the Really Old’s place (he was my role model, but he stole a book! =O), Chronos stole some (no suprise there), and the ship to orbis took it O.o (i dont know how it took it. maybe the Chronos took 2, and dropped on on the way????)
well, anywyas. i went through and got all of the books. (not in the same day however, i had one or two in my inventory for days) the last book that i got was Grendel the Really Old’s. and i took a ship to orbis. and then to Ludi. and it was so boring. >.>
so, when i got to Ludi i had to find and talk to Ligun the Advisor or something like that. which i eventually did.
and he gave me this medal thing (i took a screenie and my eyes are like so weird in the screenie it isnt even funny, well maybe a little funny. =D) and it is from the king of ludi. pretty sweet right? D
so, after that i go to the Ludi PQ entering area, the 101st floor, and i chill a little.
and it is so CUTE!
there is this other panda there named Clark and i was just about to leave as it says “is Congo a girl?”
and i am like, “yes Congo is a girl” and he is like “oooooo”
and it goes on about how Pandas should be able to have boyfriends and girlfriends (sorry i forgot to take screenies ) and soon me and Alex (the name of the owner of Clark) start talking and he is a really nice guy.
and when we stopped talking for a while he said an order to Clark, he said “meh” and then i said “meh” to my panda Congo and then OMG, it LeVeLeD!!! woooooot! I love Congo! ♥
so, me and Alex are great friends.
and he asked me to PQ with him since he only needed one more member so i am like sure.
we had lots of tracks but we missed them becase some of our party members were afk and we changed channels and we couldnt expell and find people that quickly.
i had to go in 30 minutes so i just told him that i dont think i could make it into the PQ.
i bid him farwell and was leaving.
i went down the 100th floor of the EOS tower when i ran into someone. we talked for a long time and i found out that his name was Nick.
and i noticed that he was in the same guild that Alex was in. soon, i also found out that Alex was the guild leader.
Nick was a really nice person and we trained awhile.
soon, i had to leave.

that was my random day.
thanks for reading my blog.
and you know how i used to say that people who like my blog and comment are like breathtaking or some other nice adjective, well i just want to say now that i realized that if you look at it in a way, it is as if i am telling you to like and comment my blog, which really isnt my thing.
so, please only comment and like my blog if you really do.
sorry sapphire8. D
&& just know that you dont need someone else to tell you that you are breathtaking or something because you should know that each and everyone of you on MMO is different in their own way and that is what makes it such a better blogging place than anywhere else.
thank you ♥ (most of you at least, and you know who you are)

<33 Liviadia.

13 thoughts on “my days are so RaNdOm, i LoVe it. <3”

  1. Tsk.

    You don’t even need to tell people to like/comment.

    You write cute stuff as it is. Even to a Ninja. –;

  2. There is a king of Ludi O.o

    I never bothered to finish that quest. That Jay guy freaks me out. I had nightmares about him.

  3. *feels breathtaking anyway*

    Lol. It took me like, 3 months to do that quest. I didn’t really pay much attention at all to it, III just had Book I in my inventory for. . forever, and then I was on an Orbis ship when I happened to see a box so I broke it open and got Book I, and then while I was in Vic I decided to stop by at Grendel the Really Old’s for Book II, and then when I happened to go to Ludi I went and talked to the advisor, and I had that medal for a while before I happened to come back to Vic right now.

    As you can see, I’m really quite “meh” about doing quests. Unless there’s a glove atk 60% on the line

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