Blitz & Me(chapter 21)

Ok ignore my last post about chaopter 21-.-
what was I thinking? I don’t need to plan! JUst write, write, and write some more!
Please ignore that last thing-.-
Anyway here comes chapter 21!
I could feel the coldness from the frigid waters start to seep into me. My whole body felt numb. It can’t end like this!

It was getting harder to breath. My vision started to blur. I clutched Blitz tightly as I started to grow unconcious.
~~~~~*Meanwhile with the rest of our heros(heroine for Helen)*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Note: This is Dan’s point of view now
Where the h3ll is he?

After David had left on his mad, possible suicide quest me Helen, and Mark had decided to find an inn to stay at. So we headed into El Nath. We found an inn and got a room with three beds.

We ate some dinner as the sun disspeared and the stars arose. I looked out the window of our small room. David. You better not die! Did I die when Roger’s guys hit me with all those stars? I sighed. I should’ve gone with him. I started to feel tears slowly running down my face. I shook them away and headed toward the door.

“I’m going for a walk.” I called out closing the door behind me. Helen was too busy treating Mark’s injuries to hear.

The streets were empty except for the soft drifitng snow. I had nothing to do so I started to build a snowman. I made him look like a Balrog. I pulled out my Korean Fan and releases its metal claws(remember with the battle against Roger. Dan showed his new invention to David) with a flick of my wrist. I concentrated my enrgy into the tip of the claws and slashed at the snow-rog. It broke apart and I felt some of my anger and sadness lift. Hmm. Maybe I can get some training done to take my mind off David.

I built couple more snow-monsters and destroyed them all. After about 100 kills I collapsed in the snow. It felt good against my sweaty body. I looked into the dark sky above. I got up and decided to actually take a walk.

Retracting my Korean Fan I started to walk toward Orbis Tower. As I reached the tower couple Jr.Pepes atatcked me. I easily brought them with Savage Blow. Thier blood soaked into the pure, white snow. I ignored it and kept walking.

As I got nearer the tower I noticed the snow was all red. I crouched down and grabbed a handful of snow. It was blood! I started to run toward the shore. The rockky shore was all frozen but the ocean was still in its liquid state.

Oh my.. There on the shore was couple dead Balrogs! He did it. He actually saved Blitz. But wait. Where is he then? I ran up and down the shore but there was no sign of David.

I looked out into the ocean but all I saw was darkness. Crap. I had raised my hopes up for nothing. I spotted a cliff near the tower. I ran to it.

I was glad I had bougth SnowShoes ad the cliff was frozen over. On top I could see a little better but still no sign of David. After a couple more wasted minutes of looking out to the ocean I decided to go back. I tried to raise my leg to walk but it wouldn’t budge. I looked down to see that the water from the ocean lapping against the cliff had caused water to flow over my shoes. That with the cold weather froze my feet to the cliff.

I struggled a little more but it didn’t help. I pulled out my Korean Fan and started to slash at the ice. Big Mistake. Sure my feet were free but the attacks had created a huge crack in the ice.

The ice block I was satnding on started to slide downward into the ocean. I tried to grab for a ledge or soemthing but there was only a solid wall.

I fell into the freezing water. I had to get back to shore or I would surely freeze to death. I srtarted to swim toward the shore but the current was too strong. I kept getting further and further. I kept moving my arms in vain.

I started to stop moving. My body was numb. I looked out into the ocean and saw a huge wave approaching me. I couldn’t even flinch as the wave crashed down on me pulled me under. I started to black out as a net approached me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Back to David*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Note:David’s point of view again(obviously-.-)

I slowly opened my eyes to find it was morning. I shouted and jumped up. I was surrounded by dead seals.

“Hi. Need a lift to shore?” I turned to see an old man. I slowly nodded.

“Ok. I’m a fisherman and I was wcatching some seal when I found you drifitng in the ocean.”

“Thank you.” I managed to say.

“I got a question for you.” The fisher man pointed to another body on the deck. “Do you know him?”

I felt wamrth surge through my body. It was David!
Well hope you liekd it
sorry kinda short-.-

2 thoughts on “Blitz & Me(chapter 21)”

  1. this series has a good storyline but i think there should be somewhat a goal that David would want to achieve

  2. btw i’d press the “liked it” button for every chapter but i just can’t be stuffed to do it

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