Hello ppl, first timer here =D

hello =D
and yes this is my first time here(sorta obvious from the title, but hey, im an obvious person), and well im not exactly sure why i made an account here, but i guess its nice to hav somewhere to babble off to
id be speaking to myself though, thats a weird thought o.0
bout myself then…im Jenny, a cleric in khaini, hit lvl 51 today, which means no more lpq with other wonderful guildies …which reminds me im a proud Jr Master of the guild Resistance…and lets see…my char name is same as my user name lol i thought it might be taken =P
*reads over*
geez, i sound boring o.0 i hope im not boring ualls(if any) who are reading this…
well um i guess thats that, ill be writing more later on, and thx for reading this =D


9 thoughts on “Hello ppl, first timer here =D”

  1. Well, hey! Welcome to MMOTales! ^^

    Uh, I’mma head to bed. Not that your blog put me to sleep or anything, but it’s almost midnight and it’s a school night. o_o

    Curse you, school! I could be staying up way past this if it was still summer. >.<

  2. Welcome to MMOTales~
    Oh, and we aren’t that bad [takes out forks and knives]
    What? Oh these things? No, they’re only to prepare dinner. . . +.+
    My friend’s sister is named Jenny o_O

  3. Welcome to MMOTales. :3

    Don’t mind the flamers. Or the crazy people.

    Jesus writes tons of stories. Ganzicus and FireLeo86 make comics. Other people, do other things.

    MasterCheeze will eat your toes. D:

    Hope to see many things form you, Jenny, and I wish you fun in your travels. :3

  4. Welcome to MMOTales. I’m Jesus the person who writes tons of stories. I think I made more than everyone o.o.

  5. MoonriseWolf said: “Welcome to MMOTales. :3

    Don’t mind the flamers. Or the crazy people.

    Jesus writes tons of stories. Ganzicus and FireLeo86 make comics. Other people, do other things.

    MasterCheeze will eat your toes. D:

    Hope to see many things form you, Jenny, and I wish you fun in your travels. :3″

    Meep! I’m the rabid hamster. *bite* You are officially a member of the rabid-MMOT-community now! Welcome! :3

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