A new guild, a goal.

I’ve lately been noticing that many basilers have been on MMO tales releasing their stress from immature players, or whatever grinds their gears. I’ve also noticed that the maple community lately, downright stinks. My goal here is to make the maple community a better place, and for you. This guild, I know will definitely achieve this goals with the help of many members. If interested, basilmail me on NoUser in basilmarket or message me or something on maplestory on FireZorak, my cleric. This recruitment thing was just copy pasted from basilmarket. I have about 2 people so far, that are interested in being founders of the guild. There are 4 slots on my BL, so add me while you can to get the founder spots. I have also included screenshots from the game Ijji GunZ of the clan and myself having some fun. The only screenshots I have , but I had loads of fun in those few screenshots.


The History

The idea of this clan, is not levels. Not NX. Nor any generic type of requirement for a guild.
This guild is based on personality, a sense of humor, and fun! We don’t care about your levels, we care about YOU, as a person.
Now, lets get to the history here, shall we? *Puts on reading glasses*
The name, “HumorSchool” is from the name “HumorAcademy”. For those who may not know, HumorAcademy is a clan in ijji GunZ, another game, which I am a part of. It is a very famous clan, with a full clan. The structure of the guild I am going to make, is based on the structure of HumorAcademy. HumorAcademy has been a success, and I’m hoping it will be a sucess in MapleStory too. There is usually 6-10 people on at a time in ijji GunZ, which isn’t as popular as MapleStory, so IMAGINE how fun our clan will be with like 10+ people on at a time. Yes, we stress activeness, but we’ll get into that later. We also are on firstname terms, so we can get to know each other better as a PERSON and not as a mapler. This type of guild is relatively different from the generic guilds in maplestory, and I’m hoping it to be a fun guild so we can enjoy maplestory better.


*Respect other users. Sorry, if someone starts a fight or provokes you, keep your cool and be calm. We want respect, so we will give respect no matter what. If I find out you get into fights alot, no matter who started it, sorry you’re out. Even if you’re my best friend, we need to set an example for the maple community. (Which isn’t so great :/)
*The LEOD rule. LOVE EACH OTHER DAMMIT! All members have to get along with each other. You don’t get along, you’re out. Plain and simple. No e-drama pl0x.
*Somewhat literate. We don’t want “zomgm plis gib masos” “lulz i lebel 20 2day”. At least 3rd grade English please. This is fine: “hey guys whatsup” even though we prefer: “Hey guys, what’s up?” Not a big deal though, but please, spare our eyes
*No e-drama, we don’t want “OMG I HATE YOU HATE YOU!!!!” “I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS” “BACKSTABBER!” None of that. Those are nono’s :/
*Active. Some users if they are really fun and kind, can still join if they are on at least once a week. But please, we want people who go on everyday, or at least 5days a week.
*NO GUILD HOPPERS. In the original clan/guild, all members created strong bonds with each other, and some are even online gf’s/bf’s. We want a strong friendship, to be a family! If you’re going to guildhop, please don’t even bother joining.
*At least level 1.
*No begging


We need basic rules to keep this guild upright and steady. Here they are:
Welcome! Before you tread upon any of the other rooms, it is absolutely necessary that you follow these eleven simple rules. Now, onward! <3

1. *plays Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’*

Respect all users. No flaming, name-calling, judging, trolling, or discrimination. Please, just do not offend anyone. We like to be happy. REMEMBER THE LEOD RULE!

2. Be a good example. Make us look organized. Yay!

3. Talking, keep them PG-13! Stay away from heavy swearing and sexual references. Dare you bypass the filter?

4. Please, for the sake of our souls, do NOT SPAM. Try, TRY to have some reasonable words when you type.

5. No advertising. If you want to advertise, work for an advertising company.

6. If you mention ANYTHING about hacks, say goodbye!

7. If you choose to seek a loophole in the rules and exploit it instead of reporting it, TOODLES TO YOU.

8. Please, pertain to the rules and notify anything that’s wrong. The most important rules are one and eight. LEOD!!!

9. Enjoy your stay!

Now that you’re done with that, feel free to venture! Have fun!

Special Features of the guild

We are going to have LOTS of special things about this guild!
Some stuff to look for:

*Guildwebsite, I’m gonna work on one, I can use help though with experienced people
*Guild Events- we gonna be partying and having fun
*Guild Quests- Who doesn’t like GQ o_O

Other notes…

Right now, I have 5mil funding, so thats enough to start the guild and expand some. Guild Emblem will not come yet, I think more members are better than a picture next to our guild name for now. I am going to gather up more mesos, maybe even sell my precious 60atk clean lama staff D: to make money for about 20-25 members and a guild emblem. Donations are appreciated, but not necessary. But it will quicken up the process. Trust me, I’ll make you an admin if you donate in this time of need since I know you are devoting your money and your soul to the guild. A mil or so would help, but only donate if you don’t need it. It’s my job to make you guys happy Admins/JrMasters are going to be chosen by how long you were in the guild, your devotion, my opinion, and other member’s votes. We will have votes on who should be an admin. After the guild gets bigger, and possibly a large amount of applications, we will have votes for members to join or not just like in the original guild. If the other members don’t like you, sorry D: Right now we are recruiting, to start the guild and get it going. But soon we will be making the guild entry more strict to get a nice guild community going.

Ranks and Positions

Mr. Grouch- Master : Me FireZorak, 41 Cleric
TooHappy- JrMaster: Founding Members
HumorGrads- 3rd rank: None so far
HumorHigh- 4th rank: None so far
HumorBaby- 5th rank: None so far


Well, thats all I got to say. Hope you read it, and apply here

Application form:

Real Name:
In-game name:
Why you think you should join:


13 thoughts on “A new guild, a goal.”

  1. Darkwar4ever said: “Nicely said. =]”

    Thanks I’m really hoping we can be a guild that can be respected, while we respect others no matter what. It creates kindness between everyone.

  2. And there’s that stupid IP ban that blocks me from Global. >O.
    Man, I wish I could take part in this.

    Good luck with the guild! I’m hoping my Aquila guild (Incendiary <3) can be something like that too.
    Sans the semi-literate bit though, because we all know that SEA Maplers can’t be literate to save their pizzas. >>; We’d be lucky to even understand what they type.

    Mind if I steal the LEOD rule for my guild? :3 It’s such a nicely succint rule thingo.

  3. Lol SilverFx, no need to ask. Of course! It’s the basis of our guild Hope it works well for your guild!

  4. ITS GOBAL ITS GOBAL ITS GOBAL . NOOOO . I wanted to badly join you if you were in Sea , seeing as im so desperate to create a guild . RAWR .

  5. I’d be very interested in this guild, It’s the exact thing I’ve always wanted to start, but didn’t have the funds. I’d be MORE than willing to help you out in any area, including financial, though I’m not the richest Mapler there is. I can’t get on Maple at this exact moment, but I’m curious, What server is this?

  6. HEY!
    your guild sounds like the epitome of godly guilds
    (xcept for the no sexual references thing. thats crazy o__0)
    but i would LOVE to join!
    what world are you on? windia? scania? bera? etc?

    Friday, 6-7PM EST time, the guild will be created. I have about 6 founders coming. Everyone interested in being a founder come, all founders become Jr Masters. First come, first serve. You will be the foundation of the guild

  8. I wish all the luck in the world. This is something the basil community needs to see more of. I’m not sure what server you are on but I tell you if your ever on windia I’ll help you out the best I can. I would join but I have prior commitments in my guild that go back to the week that the guilds first became availible. (I also belive in ks hackers until the leave the screens right next to citys in victoria insteed of watching low levels get slaughtered but thats just me.) Anyways, good luck in your venture and I hope one day soon we will see an improvement in the maple community as a whole. Here’s hoping.

  9. Thanks for the support all! The guild HAS been created. My friend has sent me the 6mil he owed via delivery man, so expect an emblem and an upgrade to 25 members! Right now we barely have members seeing that the guild just started, but there is about 10 people waiting to get invited (Just that we’re never on at the same time to add) if anyone’s interested, just leave your IGN here, or track FireZorak whenever I’m on. We are in the server: SCANIA.

    Thanks again guys! Hope to get the guild started and kicking

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