As I read all of these commentary and the story itself, I realize how people look upon classes in MS. Everything in all of your eyes has it’s severe ups and downs. Though, it is not the character class that you hate at all, it is the people who play these characters that make you hate that ‘class’ because of your experiences with them.
In turn of my words, I must admit to people, everyone has their moments. Me for example, I am a friendly, helpful, kind of Cleric. I love to help people out by saving them money and healing them. I go out of my own way to go to the aid of people who just learn to ask for it. But I did, at one point, have a bad day and I had someone ask me for help. Due to my current condition, I blew up on him and pretty much told him to, “Go suck an orage mushroom” and he ran off. About an hour later when I had cooled off, I went to that person, appologized for my behavior and helped him level, as I would have prior, if I wasn’t in a bad mood. It is just how you look at people. Some of us, whom play as Clerics, can’t stand being mean to people.
In truth, the first class that you make in Maple Story, is 98% of the time, going to tell people what your personality is like. Be it that you are Kind Hearted, Stuborn, Independant or Self-centered.
Warriors: Independant
Clerics: Kind Hearted
Ice/Lightening: Kind people, but cold in nature.
Fire/Poison: Temptress/Tempter.
Rogues: Self-Centered
Bowmen: Stuborn
This is just a basic analasys of how people are as to their very FIRST character in Maple Story. My first, was a Cleric. My second, a Warrior which was soon given up on due to the amount of KSers that kept hovering around me. Third, a Ice/Lightening Mage. and fourth, a Bandit.
Sorry if this has offended people who aren’t like how these have been broken down, I never said it was 100% correct, There are over a billion people on Earth, 98% leaves a HUGE gap, for over several million people.
This post was brought up from the topic. Just Owned My Two Least Favorite Class
gee thanks? though i have to admit that’s somewhat true >.<
although i originally wanted to be cleric so does that mean i’m kind hearted and cold in nature? o.O
Look at me, My only lasting characters are my Cleric (55) and my Ice/Lightening mage,
I am a kind hearted person, but cold hearted when I am a not-so-plesant mood.
lol i guess we’re similar XD cause my ice/lit and cleric is what i play on the most too
Lol, I end up making up for it because I always go back and appologize to them for my attitude ^^
lol, thats nice of you, i tend to avoid highly populated areas in the game so i don’t run into a lot of conflicts XD
Same here, But I end up having tons of people come to me -.-
heh, they only come to me if im in town and if that happens i just pretend im afk, although once i actually was afk and the dude dumped a summoning bag on me >=[ good i had just lvled, thats what i get for not leaving magic guard on when i go afk x.x
Roflmao. I’ve never once had someone dump a summon bag on me. As for me dumping one on other people, I did it to a guy who defamed me because I walked into an area where he was training, So, I dumped all 10 I had on him and watched as he F4’d the entire time while trying to run and fight, but ended up dying. Then I defamed him, killed all the creatures and got several items that I was looking for ^_^
unfortuantly i never met anyone (within the time frame that i had summoning bags) so annoying that i wanted to dump all my bags on them. in fact i ended up getting so pissed at the space it took i up i just released them all under the npc at ant tunnel parked and killed them for the exp, just to clear 3 slots from my use inventory
XD Fun stuff. My friend thaught he would be funny while I was on my way back from eating, to drop all 50 of his summoning bags onto me. Man, I was SO pissed at him, but I had fun killing everything XD
lol, once my friend dropped trojans on a mage who was ksing me while i was training my sin. the mage died then came back out and went “whoa what was that? some sort of event?” then he FAMES me LOL
anyways i better stop reading blogs, almost 2am and i got an essay due tommorow, ;_;
Rofl, alrighty, good luck with that and take care.
Was that your very first character ever made?
what do you know my 1st was a warrior
he got really boring though (lv 40)
then i was a f/p mage
got boring at lv 51
finally my assasin is level 46 still standing!
First character: Warrior.
Second: Warrior.
3rd-5th or 6th: Clerics.
I’m independant, but I love to help people when I’m in a good mood.
[But not when hundreds of newbs have asked me to train them or give them money.]
Balrog bags aren’t available in GMS and you can only get one set of the ones that are available from the quests, then that’s it. Sucks really. Only about 11 bags total.
[5 trojans, 3 others, 3 robots]