KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.
KLON radio winner of the first Silver Waffle
Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling
out there?
Lets get things started off
With a song
Marcy Playground Sex and Candy
The song that in my opinion is the greatest song of the 90’s
Even if they only ranked it 73 on VH1
I apologize for not making any KLONs lately, but the 14th was my birthday,so I have been busy with that. I also have so much to tell you about, but no will to write it at this moment.
Actually, I have for you all a holiday song!
Chanakkuh Song
Now in maple news stuff, I got the maplemas hat and tried to train, but ended up talking to a friend of mine on how to talk to. . .babes, chicks, females, gals, dolls, debutante, dames, brides, broads, ladies, maids, maidens, inamorata, kittens, lass’s, skirts, sweethearts, nymphs and them-bra-wearing-thaaaaangs.
After all, my friend should know she is a babe, chick, female, gal, doll, debutante, dame, bride, broad, lady, maid,maiden,inamorata, kitten, lass, skirt, sweetheart,nymph and a-bra-wearing-thaaaaang. So we were talking and having a blast and what not. Some how we got on the topic of breast size o0
( Oh yeah I remember, I was listing off what I like in a a babe, chick, female, gal, doll, debutante, dame, bride, broad, lady, maid,maiden,inamorata, kitten, lass, skirt, sweetheart,nymph and a-bra-wearing-thaaaaang )
So apparently my friend has a B sized bra, and I believe the chick I like could be a C
O.O amazing
I like a girl like this ( except the lack of B-C cup going on here )
Okay sorry, I should be talking about maple!
So I am trying to train but I am being easily distracted!
I am at 7x% so I should level soon, but it is Holiday time so I will be distracted.
I still have my cromi and godly earrings going-Lets just get going with the interview.
I couldnt finish my interview Grujju, and my Ninja interview dissapeared because my computer shut down randomly.
So I am in need of a sudden person to interview, and you were the first person ever featured on a KLON, and I didnt know what I was doing back then, so I thought I might as well come back and interview you once more.
Where does your inspiration for comics come from?
Your mother, pylons, and SPARTAAAAAAAAAA.
How long does each comic take to make?
OVER NINE THOUSANDDDD hours. Nah, usually about 2
Any music you listen to while making them?
Nightwish, Switchfoot (THEY FRIGGIN ROCK >D[no pun intended]), Coldplay, Nickelback, This Providence, DragonForce, Granado Espada soundtracks, Linkin Park, and uhh
*digs up links* Kajtastic Musical SOUNDTeMP Remix Crap Dat! and This Is Sparta (Techno Remix). :D
The comic with me in it, was the best you ever made, not a question a statement!
I personally think the one with the 2-D world and the rolling boulder was my best, but to each his own
Do you like my radio show? *Motions at sniper ready across the street looking into the window* I will remind you this is a important question?
Construct additional pylons and I’ll answer. >D
I have built pylons and I am currently charging a mana beam so bring on that answer!
Bubble-hearthing ftw! *poofs away*
How honored are you to be in my presence?
Enough so that I could buy a [The Unstoppable Force] just by standing near you for a few seconds.
Do you like the beastie boys?
No u.
What is with the “No u” stuff?
Ur mom.
Bite me
Yes I understand how much you like my presence, it actually makes women feel woozy! Their legs turn to jelly and they have to contain the urge to scream and rip their clothes off and hug me! So, I understand what you must be going through.
Actually I’m only trembling because of the free PvP Honor points. ;;
Do you have a favorite game ( here comes starcraft)
World of Warcraft
Do you like scrubs
no u
Gives the sniper a thumbs down, and a bullet explodes into the room putting a hole in Ganzicus’s head.
That’s it for the show! I have been getting some inspiration for Smoking paper so expect a update soon. Now remember to mention how much you LIKED this show, or else I cannot afford to pay my janitor to mop up Ganzicus blood!
Song I sang today leaving school for Holiday vacation!
Oh yeah my birthday was the 14th so I am now 15 =)
Normally Ganzicus I would yell at you for liking and not commenting, but you are dead so it’s okay.
Hey, I already bubblehearthed though. =[
Yeah well it is a anti bubble hearth bullet
First KLON ever, under the name of Nobody3223, it is also a Ganizcus interview but if you read it, you will see why I redid him.
I wish I had known I had done it so bad before this, I would have asked you more questions Ganzi!
But bubblehearthing renders me invulnerable to all attacks for 12 seconds then after 10 seconds teleports me away to safety.
The bullet ignores the bubble shield, and the teleportation crap. It is just that powerful
“Yes I understand how much you like my presence, it actually makes women feel woozy! Their legs turn to jelly and they have to contain the urge to scream and rip their clothes off and hug me!”
Uh huh. . . Yea, . . Sure. . .Uh, No.
Uh huh. . . Yea, . . Sure. . .Uh, No.”
You dont believe me?
Why would you not believe it?
It is a pheremone thing I think!
But the Divine Shield is composed of pure divine power, and would instantly destroy the bullet on contact. In addition, the bullet is mere tungsten/lead, and counts as a normal projectile, and would be negated anyway. Plus you can’t fit automatic target chasing systems into a small bullet.
Maybe you can’t, but I work NO NOT WORK but HOST KLON! I can do anything!
We call it “Host powers”
Uh huh. . . Yea, . . Sure. . .Uh, No.”
You dont believe me?
Why would you not believe it?
It is a pheremone thing I think!”
Nope, sorry.
Screaming/rippingoffclothes = uncivilzed. Lulz.
Well it does not work as well over the net
Even if IRL, I’m still completely high-school-student-phobic.
It’s just so hard to talk to them :/
I are alive. lol
Even if IRL, I’m still completely high-school-student-phobic.
It’s just so hard to talk to them :/”
You can be open with me =3
All women can be open with me!
In fact I would like if it they were
Even if IRL, I’m still completely high-school-student-phobic.
It’s just so hard to talk to them :/”
I thought you were in HS, ?
Not in this version =3
*watches from the sidelines*
And, Alex, you mentioned
I’m pretty sure of that.
There, happy compromise!
I guess I have had a high fever my whole life.”
You must have a weak immune system.
*grabs syringes*
Ehehehehehee. . . >D
*watches from the sidelines*
And, Alex, you mentioned
I’m pretty sure of that.
I do indeed
Your hair needs more fuzzyness.

What the heck, “So Alex, Lights my flame?”
Does not sound right.
*rolls eyes*
Yeah, well, you can change the quote, but you can’t never change the original post! >O!
I do attract the women folk!
Your egotistical attitude makes me want to barf. xP
Yeah, it probably does.
I suppose I should tone it down a bit?
But it does attract the women!
‘Scuse me.
*dashes to bathroom*
Went too far with that one never mind it
*wipe mouth with paper towel*
Uncontrollable gag reflex. xP
*kicks Alex in crotch*
Hey, back off, Alex. *frowns*
[edit] Okay, so Shiney can take care of herself.
But y’know, that song is really funny.
Reminds me of a bunny. . .No! A cute albino bunny.
See NobodyNight, if you disguised yourself as a cute albino bunny, everyone would love you!”
They cant love me more then they do!
I find the term chick demeaning.”
Somehow, amazingly, so do I. *F6*
And playing with my guy friends’ hair is funnn~
So soft <3
Dont you want to feel my hair!
I like the word chick!
I find it to be a term of endearment.
Dont you want to feel my hair! “
No. I think it needs a shampoo first.
Dont you want to feel my hair! “
No. I think it needs a shampoo first.
ok then.
*pokes with one finger. Said finger rots to the bone.
You owe me a finger
I will buy you one
I guess your finger melted from the hotness
It rot. Not melt. Rot.
Sure I think you got them mixed up.
Gujju is made out of candlewax. Alex has a high fever.
There, happy compromise!
So Alex, lights my flame?
There, happy compromise!
I guess I have had a high fever my whole life.
LMFAOOO. It was a question.
Even if IRL, I’m still completely high-school-student-phobic.
It’s just so hard to talk to them :/”
I thought you were in HS, ?”
Ahh, no. Next year I’ll be a freshman though.
*checks High School 101 booklet*
Number one tip – avoid all the tall scary seniors and juniors. XD!
I feel woozy!
*legs turn to jelly as I tear off my clothes and hug Alex*
Lulz, uh, proof of Alex’s overwheming charisma?
*raise eyebrow*
“Well Im not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you. . .”
– Paralyzer (by Finger Eleven)
I feel woozy!
*legs turn to jelly as I tear off my clothes and hug Alex*”
Told you, they love me
*hugs the Hot chick back*
You can be open with me =3
All women can be open with me!
In fact I would like if it they were”
Define how you would phrase “open.”
Ahem, yea.
I think you are just jealeous because he is in my arms!
Now now, dont have a catfight about me, when I dont have a camera.
Snow Hamster, I mean it both ways!
You can be open with me =3
All women can be open with me!
In fact I would like if it they were”
Define how you would phrase “open.”
Ahem, yea.”
*facepalm* Oh, the innuendo.
Well, I have a new word in my vocabulary O_O “incest”
Uh-huh o_O
NobodyNight, that is why no girl in real life will actually hug you, much less rip of their clothes and be “open” with you <.<
You can be open with me =3
All women can be open with me!
In fact I would like if it they were”
Define how you would phrase “open.”
Ahem, yea.”
*facepalm* Oh, the innuendo.”
I think it was yesterday, one of my friends and I were talking about that. We were talking about some random stuff, and somehow got onto the topic of ‘innuendo’. So he told me about this episode of Spongebob where Patrick and Spongebob were raising a baby clam, and after they let it go, Patrick said “Let’s have another one!” or something of that sort.
Uh-huh o_O
NobodyNight, that is why no girl in real life will actually hug you, much less rip of their clothes and be “open” with you <.<“
Because I am so hot there palms hurt?
I get tons of bugs btw!
I had to turn down a hug from the chick my friend likes so he wouldnt punch me!
People also like to play and feel my hair for some reason Oo
I love doing that to my friend ^-^ I mean not play with his hair =.= just feel it’s fuzzy ness
Reminds me of a bunny. . .No! A cute albino bunny.
See NobodyNight, if you disguised yourself as a cute albino bunny, everyone would love you!
I find the term chick demeaning.
When you say the things I say, you begin to wear a cup every day
[edit] Okay, so Shiney can take care of herself.
But y’know, that song is really funny.
I went too far sorry, it got edited
Wear a cup? To vomit in? *confused*
And yay for the edit.
And yay for the edit.
cup- a sport item to protect the special purpose.
Wait, wow.
So many comments already
So cocky he has a dickhead?
Just kidding now. Felt like the perfect thing to say.
Guys. All i have eaten for 3 days is salted bread. Dam that Alex and his infectious ways
*removes goggles and stares at emanciated Gujju*
O.O “. . .”
Uh anyways, here you go. But a word of warning, it tastes kinda funky
Holy sh-you have the same birthday as me?!
lol clone clone clone. sounds like all the crap the radio stations play in vancouver
ALEX is to cocky for his shirt. So Cocky that it hurts.
I am here all week people
Hehe. Alex has infected you with egotistic-disease D:
oh GAWD. Shining, set to work on a cure. meanwhile, i must go into isolation.
This blog’s awesomness is overRRR 9000!
oh GAWD. Shining, set to work on a cure. meanwhile, i must go into isolation.”
*puts on lab coat and nerdy glasses*
Bukleys. Tastes awful, but it works.