KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.
KLON radio winner of the first Silver Waffle
Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling
out there?
Lets get things started off
With a song
Hey people, been a while! What is new? Not much that is for sure. Not much new with Nobody At Night so lets see how Alex is doing.
Hey everyone!
Hmm what is new in my little world. Well my brother is breaking up with his GF who we will call J even though her name doesn’t begin with a J. My nick-name for J is swamp thing. Sounds mean, huh? Well before you jump to conclusions, let me describe J to you. Well for starters she aint no looker, which I know, is no reason to judge so lets move on. Besides her horrid physical appearance she also seems to have a mental problem. I am not saying that jokingly either. She has a D- in my english class. To get a A in my english class you just have to copy the teacher, or me that is it! She also displays a uncanny lack of common sense. So she is unintelligent, not good looking, and what else could add to this God awful equation? Well she has some sort of social problem going on. I mean when she asked the teacher a question and a girl answered it for the teacher CORRECTLY she blows up and starts spitting and yelling into the air
“I DIDNT ASK YOU OKAY!!!!!” Which resulted in the whole class moving every desk away from hers about 2 feet. We are taking boat safety class which is the easiest thing I have ever had in my life! Guess who is finding it difficult? J!!
Here is a copy of one of J’s questions “If a freighter is coming at you, what do you do?”
hmmm let me think about this for a second. . .MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!
Who sits in front of a freighter and says “I was here first! Right of the way! YOU GOTTA MOVE!”?
Moving on
Really quick MS news, I finished scrolling my Red cross earrings.
They are now 9int and 16 mg attk
I used 2 10% and 3 60% no failures =D
Moving on
Short interview with Shiningwings!
Favorite MMoer?
I have a lot of favorite MMOers. =)
Me on a scale of 1-10
8. 8 is a funny number. Can’t say that I like it that much though. . . *mumble*
At least tell me if you are a female!
What? >.O
Uh are you a femine fatal?
Are you a babe, a chick, a hottie, and women, a girl, a female, a hussie,
a dudet, pick your favorite.
I prefer the term Homo sapiens insanitus.
*sigh* Fine. You males are so boring. D<
Yes I am female.
How old are you
Uh. Confidential information.
Favorite color?
Black or silver. XD
Favorite song
I don’t really have one specific favorite. Prayer of the Refugee is definitely one of them, though. It’s pretty good.
Favorite drink
Eh. Water? Soda? o.o;; I assume soups don’t count.
Favorite food
Meh, nothing in particular, although I do harbor a fondness for sweet foods.
Ever read smoking paper?
MMO Hopes and dreams?
None atm, been really busy with school lately. d:
Where do you live?
Where I live: In my house.
First name?
First name: That’s confidential information. >.O
When you die and you arrive at the pearly at the pearly gates, what do you
want God to say to you? ( if he exist)
Hmm. When I die? What’s that? (lawl)
Just kidding. I think. . . “Are you lost? Hell is that way.” would suffice.
They are not hard questions, you are just being lazy!
And yes they are hard questions! ‘Specially when I have a lot of possible answers! D:
If you could be a apple what color would you be?
If I were an apple, I think I’d enjoy being the most toxic shade of greeny-yellow there can possibly be!
Thats it for Shining hottie wings!
Remember to mention how much you like the show or I else I can’t keep pretending to be Santa Claus here on MMOtales! ( I am not kidding, I am Santa, I thought the phrase ” I am Nobody you would know” would tip you off but eh)
Finish it up with the legendary London Calling by the Clash!
First comment!
Oh, so YOUR santa.
*picks up the crowbar again and starts smacking NobodyNight*
DON’T *whack* EVER *whack* CONFUSE *whack* THE GENERAL *whack* MMOTALES *crack* POPULATION *whack* AGAIN! *pulls out a pistol and shoots NobodyNight*
Might want to read the last bit of the show Grimno.
First Like!
When Nobody-Senpai gonna interview Chi?
Chi is saddened.
*tears in eyes*
Hey, want to interview me please? I would appreciate it if it was done as fast as possible! :D
Dude, Grimno double-liked. Not cool.
So youre Santa eh?
*presses giant red glowy button*
Send in nukes one to a million.
Chi is saddened.
*tears in eyes*”
OO CRAP! I forgot I had the Chi interview on my computer *Face to desk in .1 second*
Gujju I would be honored to interview ye!
Once I recover slightly from the typing spree. I HATE DOING ALL THE CUTTING AND PASTING!
Wait, what if I interviewed you? Could we perhaps do that?
I am you!
weeeeeeeee being Santa is fun
Actuallly that could work, that would be a good twist on things. A KLON with me not being the host, sounds cool.
Wait you do mean it still being a KLON? or do you want it as your blog?
Actuallly that could work, that would be a good twist on things. A KLON with me not being the host, sounds cool.
Wait you do mean it still being a KLON? or do you want it as your blog?”
I haven’t posted a blog for a while, but it can be yours if you want.
Actuallly that could work, that would be a good twist on things. A KLON with me not being the host, sounds cool.
Wait you do mean it still being a KLON? or do you want it as your blog?”
I haven’t posted a blog for a while, but it can be yours if you want.
I dont care what happens, it will be good to not have to write it out so yeah, you deserve a bloggy, and I deserve not having to work hard!
What does KLON stand for again? >_>
I think the N stands for night