KLON Clone radio we play the songs that sound more like everyone else
then anyone else. Clone Clone Clone.
KLON radio winner of the first Silver Waffle
Alright ya’ll this is Nobody At Night here at KLON radio. How we feeling
out there?
Lets get things started off
with a song
This is Nobody At Night with a important announcement!
I am sorry but it is destroying my work ethic. When people ask me to interview them it makes me feel as if something is expected from me. Which was not what I wanted this show to become. In fact this show was about unexpectedness, insanity, sarcasm, and music! I know that I have mentioned this before but the request keep coming
I feel safe in saying that everyone on MMO will be interviewed eventually, as long as you are patient. I will contact you, don’t worry. All of those who are on the waiting list, I will still interview you. Aznknife is at the top of list but I keep getting distracted.
Today is friday so I we got a good show for you!
It only took me 2 hours to type up
Alex report, Smoking paper (Even if it is short >.> ) , Mipsacri interview, Music, and a quote from Stephen Kings Gunslinger. Lets get this thing started!
Thats right, lord of all middle men. Why do all my friends think I am sort of amazing social problem solver? Sure I am smart but do they honestly think that some one as sarcastic, egotistical, mouthy, sadistic, cold, moody, lazy, and unpredictable as me would be a good person to ask for RELATIONSHIP help?!
Yet, somehow it always works out, which confuses the heck out of me o0
I mean every time they ask for advice I always start it off by saying.
“Well I have only been in one relationship and it wasn’t that big one considering that everyone said we were bf/gf and that the most we ever did was say hi and had a common agreement that we thought the other one was hot,” which I admit is a long winded opening and not surprising they ignore it. So one example is, when I was on maple. My friend who is a girl says to me
“Alex, 3 of my friends have a crush on me, and I don’t know what to do! What should I say to them?”
Me: “Well do you feel that way about any of them? oh and btw 4 of your friends love you.
Her: I feel that way for one of them. Who is the 4th?
Me: well tell the one who you do like, that you like them as well, and tell the other 2 you are already in a relationship. Uh forget about the 4th.
She: Thanks Alex, you’re always helpful in these types of things. *leaves room*
Me: . . .I hate this drama >.>
Its not just Bf/Gf Relationships either! I am dragged into crap in which I don’t even know the individuals involved! Why am I breaking up fights with people I don’t know, and then having them open up me to like I am Queeqoeg and they just had a dream! Well lets move on!
So D has not been to school the last couple of days. Which is good because a kid has been hounding after him. He has been hounding him enough to follow my brother and I in hopes of finding D. Which is silly because we were going to my dads house which is about 2 miles from D’s place
So I took my brother aside and said to him
“Aaron, I need you to do me a favor.”
“I need you to go into the principles office tomorrow and say the following
‘ I need you watch D for me, there a bunch of kids following him around and threatening him. My brother Alex asked me to come and see you because if he were to do so, people will think D asked him to and they will mock D for that. Which will not help this predicament at all. The kids name is E, he is the main antagonist against D. I need you ( the vice principle) to call him in here, and tell him to back off.
Tell him you got some information from Aaron, I need you to make sure you say my name!’
Now this may be confusing but here is the logic of all this, which I asked Aaron to also explain to her.
The idea is that, if I or D were to tell, we would be mocked and hounded. My brother however will not be, for a few key reasons. Those are, Aaron has never bothered anyone, its not in his nature. Aaron is a senior, he will not be here next year, so he does not have to worry about this following him. Aaron is big and strong! He wouldn’t hurt a fly but if you fought him. Trust me, were brothers. I have had my ass kicked enough times to know.
What I am afraid of is that, if they hit D, I don’t want to have to fight them. I could do it, and I am sure D and I would kick the crap out of them, but I cant be suspended! If I am, my father is transferring me to a new school. That wouldn’t be a problem if I trusted my self to control my fist. I have a feeling that if one of them socks D, I am going to have my fist in their face before I know it ><
Moving on =3
Home coming!
I am not going, I was begged to go (not begged to go WITH some one)
So I dont have to.
If a girl literally asks me “Alex, will you please go to homecoming with me.”
It is against my moral values to say no. If they have the guts to ask, they deserve it.
God Alex! Bore our audience to death why don’t you! Normally we would have our interview right here but instead (woah, I just felt a wave of disappointment slam into the station oO ) , we have for you now
(note this is long but very interesting o0)
“The universe (he said) is the Great All, and offers a paradox too great for the finite mind to grasp. As the living brain cannot conceive of a nonliving brain-although it may think it can-the finite mind cannot grasp the infinite.
The Prosaic fact of the universe’s existence alone defeats both the pragmatist and the romantic.”
The greatest mystery the universe offers is not life but size. Size encompasses life, and the Tower (gotta read the series) encompasses size. The child, who is most at home with wonder, says: Daddy what is above the sky? And the father says : The galaxy. The child: Beyond the galaxy? The father: Another galaxy. The child: Beyond the other galaxies? The father: No one knows.
You see? Size defeats us. For the fish, the lake in which he lives is the universe. What does the fish think when he is jerked up by his mouth through the silver limits of existence and into a new universe where the air drowns him and the light is blue madness? Where huge bipeds with no gills stuff it into a suffocating box and cover it with wet weeds to die?
Or one might take the tip of a pencil and magnify it. One reaches the point where a stunning realization strikes home: The pencil-tip is not solid; it is composed of atoms which whirl and revolve like a trillion demon planets. What seems solid to us is actually only a lose net held together by gravity. Viewed at their actual size, the distances between these atoms might become leagues, gulfs, aeons. The atoms themselves are composed of nuclei and revolving protons and electrons. One may step down further to subatomic particles. And then to what? Tachyons? Nothing? Of course not. Everything in the universe denies nothing; to suggest it an ending is the one absurdity.
If you fell outward to the limit of the universe, would you find a board fence reading DEAD END? No. You might find something hard and rounded, as the chick must see the egg from the inside. And if you should peck through that shell (Or find a door), what great torrential light might shine through your opening at the end of space? Might you look and discover out entire universe is but part of one atom on a blade of grass? Might you be forced to think that by burning a twig you incinerate an eternity of eternities? That existence rises not to one infinite but to a infinity of them?
Perhaps you saw what place our universe plays in the scheme of things-as no more then an atom in a blade of grass. Could it be that everything we can perceive, from the microscopic virus to the distant Horsehead Nebula, is contained in one blade of grass that may have existed for only a single season in a alien time-flow? What if that blade should be cut off by a scythe? When it dies, would the rot seep into our own universe and our own lives, turning everything yellow and brown and desiccated? Perhaps it’s already begun to happen. We say the world has moved on; maybe we really mean that the it has begun to dry up.
Think how small such a concept of things makes us, gunslinger! If a god watches over it all, does He actually mete out justice for a race of gnats among an infinitude of gnats? Does his eye see the sparrow fall when the sparrow is less then a speck of hydrogen floating disconnected in the depth of space? And if He does see. . .what must the nature of such a God be? Where does He live? How is it possible to live beyond infinity?
Imagine the sand of the Mohaine Desert, which you crossed to find me, and imagine a trillion universes-not worlds but universes – encapsulated in each grain of the desert; and within each universe an infinity of others. We tower over these universes from our pitiful grass vantage point; with one swing of your boot you may knock a billion billion worlds flying off into darkness, in a chain never to be completed.
Size, gunslinger. . . size . . .
Yet suppose further. Suppose that all worlds, all universes met in a single nexus, a single pylon, a Tower. And within it, a stairway, perhaps rising to the Godhead itself. Would you dare to climb to the top, gunslinger? Could it be that somewhere above all of endless reality, there exist a Room?
You dare not
And in the gunslinger’s mind, those words echoed: You dare not
(I know that was long but I find it awesome!)
As a reward for reading it we have for you now,
one of the greatest songs ever
On a scale of 1- 10 how awesome am I am?
Am I am, Sam I am? A 6 for the Dr. Suess reference.
Smoking paper the best story you have ever read or the greatest thing in the
Not quite, but not bad. <3
* about to hit shock collar then remembers that mip is a mod*
What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite Song?
Cresendolls by Daft Punk
What’s your favorite band?
I love all bands.
What’s your Real life name?
Melissa ‘Mip’ Blahblahblah. >w>
What are your maple hopes and dreams?
I quit, so I am free of said dreams~ However, my mom is still a hardcore addict, so I can only hope that she reaches 80 shortly.
Who is your favorite MMOer besides me of course!
Santa. No, really. He’s an MMOer. And I gotta kiss up to him before the big day!
When you die and if there is a god what do you want him to say to you at the
pearly gates?
“God, I know it’s been good and all, but you still owe me 50 bucks.”
Who is your idol?
Raptor Jesus.
No comment on that
Favorite Color?
Orange or black.
Orange and black? Here comes HALLOWEEN!!
Yeah, they’re my favorite colors, alone or together.
Favorite actor?
Sean Connery, methinks.
My mother LOVES Sean Connery, she says he is hot.
He would be, if he was younger. He’s just an amazing actor.
favorite show?
Desperate Housewives, it’s addictive.
favorite book?
The Redwall series.
Your 19 (I think) Come on wow us with your extensive literary knowledge!
Maybe. I think it really just makes a bigger vocabulary, but I have a bad memory.
favorite author?
I like alot of authors. ^^
favorite classic book?
The Socrates Series
You are a fan of the Rocky Horror picture show as I remember.
(How did you know that anyway? )
I am magic
Any favorite characters on there?
Majenta, definitely.
Or favorite songs?
How can you favorite not be sweet transvestite??
That song is great!
Well, that song is pretty awesome. But The Time Warp is definitely more danceable.
Steel whip huh?
Is that a fetish or just a mod term?
Mod term, affectionately named from Waffle.
Waffle is the one with the fetish then huh *raises eyebrow*
H3nt1a fan are we?
*uses mod powers to deny*
Uses radio show host powers to. . .do nothing
Favorite drink?
Diet pepsi. I don’t know why I live off of it.
most embarrassing memory?
After I was done presenting my latest anime opening in front of my anime club at my university, I turned around on the podium to walk down, and I tripped and fell down the stairs. My best friend said I looked cute. >___>
Favorite Anime?
What would yo do if you could have anything you wanted?
Make everyone happy.
All right thanks for being on KLON Mip!
*Checks out Mips butt as she leaves*
That was dangerous =3
All right thats about it!
Except of course for Smoking paper
Remember to mention how much you LIKE this radio show! Or else I cant afford to buy a new License to Kill!
Time for me to Fade away!
I know I used most of the music in the forums already but I dont care, I like em here
Dont forget to comment!
Remember Kids! Never shock Mip with a shock collar >=O
Or. . . Check out her butt. . .
Well at least not when she is aware of it x3
Mine was better. I got you angry ^^
I feel rather proud of this one though. Probably because I got off my lazy bum and made it ^^
I’m hungry =(
Person who reads this~
Lol, I was also going to have Mip as a special guest on my blogashiz.
I didn’t actually know what Smoking Paper was until you posted a link at the end of this interview. o.o
I notice I have yet to be interviewed.
Well, then I guess I’ll have to do something about that!
~runs off to Submit a Blog~
I was actually planning on interviewing you Grimno
but dont point it out, thats basically asking *wags finger*
Spiffy ^.^
Remember Kids! Never shock Mip with a shock collar >=O
Or. . . Check out her butt. . .
*hums to himself*

Who else here tl;dr’d the whole blog except for the interview?
Sorry i’ll read it later when i’m in the mood (blatant lie)
dunno why i found that so funny
I’ll try anything once
Redwall FTW
Redwall ftw! @@@@ x3 <33
And err, Mip is awsm! x33
KLON has beaten me by interviewing a mod!
I hath lost, fair and square.
I bow down before the almighty KLO. .
*Rolls on the floor*
No wait, I can’t do that. I worship myself!
An insight on our famous/infamous Mip.
Intriguing. YAY for anime.
And ‘Redwall’ is challenging, all their conversations aren’t spelt properly due to accents and what not.
~Lily x33.