I hate making titles its random thought

Hello all you people who have the misfortune of reading this, and to all those people who stayed despite the last comment I have this to say: I’m happy
yup thats right I am happy
Why you ask? oh you didnt ask well too bad.
My best freind came back!
I thought he quit but it turns out his maple was messed up…for 4 months
I am tired of kitties now I can never find a hack free ch. So I will go to that mystical dark block gollem spot in eos tower.You know the one where you stand and they cant hit you but you can hit them.
oh ya and I have a motto now yay
its from destroy all humans BUT THEY DIDNT COPYRIGHT THE LINE SO ITS MINE!!!!
“dont get mad, get sadistic” except I’m terrible at spelling Oo

I hate the lost guard in eos, he must be the most unintelligent NPC in the game, how do you get lost in a tower? There are only 2 ways you can go up or down
what is he standing there going “I will go left, ouch theres a wall there, i will try the right, ouch another wall, maybe the left again”
idiot Npc

*fades away*

Nobody At Night

2 thoughts on “I hate making titles its random thought”

  1. Hmmm. Strange. I thought it was “Don’t get mad, get revenge!” or “Don’t get mad, get an atom bomb!”

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