…..Oh my god.

Right. So there i am, bored after our insane stunt with the tauros (in which we go our asses kicked, being a party of lvl 47 spearman (me), lvl 36 spearman, lvl 36 cleric and lvl35 i/l wizzie), and i hear that two friends are camping at cursed sanctuary, waiting to see balrog. I hoped to convince themto have another crack at the tauros. They, being sane (unlike me :-P) declined, so i was left to fight the tauromacis single handedly. So there I was, sanctuary entrance 1, once again waiting for an isolated tauromacis. To cut a long story short, it started off badly.

I managed to attract the attention of 2 more tauros, and ended up desperately following the one i had damaged most, using cold eyes as damage shields. About 120 white potions later, a tauromacis finally keeled over. Oh my god, i thought. This is impossible, unheard of! A lvl 47 Pole Armer, lacking in accuracy, had killed a mighty lvl 70 tauromacis! Of course, there was the problem of what to do with the other two tauros. It ended up basically being luck that i managed to be missed by a lightning bolt and climb to safety. Still, I’ve never seen a lvl 47 person kill a tauro, period, never mind a warrior, renowned for thier low accuracy.

Me = happy. XD

5 thoughts on “…..Oh my god.”

  1. I know what the feeling is like =P

    I once killed a Tauromacis with my Fighter (level 42) But it does have extra DEX and ACC on it’s equipment. It’s ACC is 72.
    Admittedly, I did use about 40 Unagi’s and a lot more white pots, The horn will forever remain in my inventory as a war trophy XD

  2. My friend, a 41 sin killed it solo.
    i was standing on the siede watching.
    i jumped down once in a while to heal him though.

  3. I still have the horn from my first tauro also, killed it at level 48 or 49ish. Us bandits may not have the low accuracy, but 2 hits and you’re a goner.

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