Stop copying my Signature. >=[ This is total unjust. Just because its sexy. xD The overuse of my signature has created the addition of a new army, able to aid in the domination of the world. The Nezzy Clone Army has all functions of me, and will and only will listen to me. And, by copying my signature, you willingly joined the army, so I didnt conscript you and thus you will remain in my service for all eternity until I feel like releasng you from this absolutely fun packed hell.
Well at least the signature stealing makes me feel loved. <3
Also I am now embedded in every comment that has my signature in it.
Heres WotW3
Disclaimer Notice: One swear word used.
A figure sat silently inside the room, awaiting the arrival of the newly hired pyro technician that was ordered to plant the bombs. His laptop screen flashed and he quickly typed in a few words, gently, without creating a single noise on the laptop keyboard.
Pat was outside, afraid.
Should I knock now? He wondered.
What if I planted the bomb in the wrong place? He pondered.
Gathering courage, he decided to knock.
The knock resonated in the room. Pat knocked again, louder. Thinking no one was in the room, he decided to leave. Taking one step forward, he heard a voice.
Dont think about leaving. Open the door and proceed to enter. The voice commanded.
The door creaked open, as Pat emerged from the bright sunshine into the room. The room was huge, enough to be able to hold a crowd of people. Paintings from famous artists dotted the walls of the room. On the opposing side of the room, there was a window, with shutters, opening out towards the Recruiting Area where all the soldiers are trained. The figure was sitting, relaxed, on his chair, with the lap top in front of him on the mahogany table.
Have you done it? The figure inquired.
Yeeeesss, Pat stuttered.
In Ellinia? The potion shop AND the next ship to Orbis?
Yes, Sir. Pat confirmed, more confident than before, realising he had planted them in the right place.
You have done well . . . Pat. You will receive your cheque at the front desk.
Well, Sir, how do you plan on using the bombs?
At this point, the figure stood up, walked towards the shutters and raised them and motioned for Pat to follow. Outside the window, rays of sunlight crawled, revealing the Recruiting Area and the courses each platoon had to do. Many of the soldiers were doing drills, in ranks while other platoons had obstacle courses and shooting practice to do.
As you know, the dispatch mission we have sent to the enemy base has yet to return, so the bombs will create a diversion and allow us to send our forces in to weaken, and if possible annihilate the enemy forces. Even though many innocent lives will be taken, it will be for the greater good. With all hindrances eliminated, the world can be easily manipulated and altered in a way that benefits all. The figure informed.
Platoon One, Rear rank, NUMBER!
One by one, each individual soldier on the back rank shouted their number corresponding to the last person.
But the people, they will die. All this suffering because of one war. Its inhumane. Pat commented.
If its necessary, we will do it
Is there no other alternative?
No other alternative.
Can I leave now to collect my cheque?
Yes. The man said.
Pat pivoted and began to walk forward, all in one swift movement. Thoughts ate away at his mind like a hungry man on chicken. The thoughts reverberated around his head.
Why do so many people have to die?
He walked to the front desk of the building opposite the room he was just in and collected his cheque. Silently, he set off, back to Ellinia, where he had laid the bombs. He was thinking.
It was dark. A huge blade glistened in the moonlight, guarding the bomb that was hidden in the ships hull. The sound of cracking twigs woke the guard up. The guard was an experienced White Knight, with supersonic hearing. Even the slightest noise in a very loud, crowded place, he would register and remember. He tensed, concealing the sword in the large robe he wore. The guard stood up, and walked off the ship onto the soft grassy land that lay in front of him.
The mage swore. He shouldnt have stepped on the twig even though he had excellent eyesight. His eyesight was greater than most others, having worked as a dungeon guard for a small portion of his life. He noticed the tree branch with his acute eyesight from about five metres back but eventually stepped on it. The mage’s dark enigmatic brushed gently through the bushes in the gloomy night. Slowly, the mage walked noiselessly towards his destination.
The White Knight on guard noticed the intruder first, a silhouette flitting silently between the thick growth of bushes. He raised his Doombringer aware of any movement. He was a sitting target, illuminated by the light that emanated from the deck. A flaming fire arrow made the darkness cower, as it whistled by the White Knights ear. Slightly singed, the White Knight advanced in the general direction from where it came from, only to meet a composite arrow.
Swiftly, he deflected it off with his Doombringer, to disintegrate on contact.
Pathetic Magic, he thought.
Breaking into a run, the White Knight moved forward, swinging his Doombringer to cleave a bush in half. The mage, retreated, still a silhouette in the darkness. While simultaneously jumping backwards, the mage cast a fire arrow, to cut through the darkness like knife through butter, revealing a small portion of the mans face. Leaping right, the warrior avoided the arrow which went forward towards the ocean.
Advancing, the mage continued to fire arrows, walking slowly towards the ship. The mage had no aim whatsoever, which the warrior thought was strange. He walked to the side of the mage and proceeded towards the mage, leaping at the same second the mage cast an arrow in his direction. He brought down the Doombringer, only to meet air as the mage speedily teleported closer to the ship.
Then it hit the warrior.
Oh f*ck! murmured the White Knight.
The mage sent a flaming arrow into the air, to land on the ship. The flames gulped at the air, cackling away at night, licking in the timber and began to slowly increase in size. The White Knight and the mage retreated. The flames gasped for air and swallowed the timber greedily, absorbing everything. The flames crept down the side of the ship.
Within a few seconds a loud explosion occurred, releasing a loud blast of flames and noise. By then, the mage had already scurried off, away into the darkness. The flames licked greedily as they spread across the bushes, destroying the beautiful top half of Ellinia. The White Knights heart beat savagely, threatening to leave his body as he ran for his life, to escape the flames that would plunge him into death.
Pat snuck off, silently into the night, chuckling. After all, he created the bombs.
Character Profile
Pat: Fire poison mage, skilled in the arts of Pyro technology. He has always played around with fire, although not enough to become obsessed, unlike the pyromaniacs around this time.
Based on Paterack7
Do Not Steal My Signature. >=[
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. . .
Lol . Fenny.
*dies and explodes*
Nice! Hopefully u’ll listen to wat I said to u.
I never copy sigs.
In fact, I don’t even have one.
LOL. You made that one just then. >=[
Lmao, this is fun!
So many comments ><.
Anyway, where’s right dress?
Platoon One, Mid rank. NUMBER!
LOL! I remember that. Louie. xD
What, what? x__O
I feel that the story would have been nicer without the swear word .
Well, it was an easy way to explain the White Knight’s current feelings without expanding too much.