Okay, so I spent the last few days messing around on the Mia server on FlyFF. Kind of a waste of time. One thing I learnt from FlyFF is that you level fast. REALLY fast. Lets start off just before the job advancement.
[h]Before the Job Advancement [/h]
So I decided to become an assist. (No, not because I wanted random people following me around going BUFF PLS and RESSS PLS [Not that they can follow me if they need to be resurrected]) I chose to become an assist because of how lazy I am. I can also improve and develop my almighty leechleechleech skills here. All I have to do is buff, heal and most importantly of all, LEECH! XD
Okay, the job advancement was a blow over. Especially since the common specie of the Laggasaurus with its different strains (Little lag but enough to annoy you, Medium lag and the So much lag that it is one frame every five seconds) decided to bless me with its appearance so I did the first bit easily.
10 Captain mushpangs and Small Burudengs in seven minutes. Cinch.
Okay, next bit. Collect ten forforms, five peakyrinds and one dorodoram(spelling). Kind of easy. Spent like twenty minutes manually hunting it. Not smart. Waste of time. (Where do FlyFF come up with all their random names. Bang is so not original. Its almost like Gpotato is silently corrupting the minds of everyone by naming creatures like Bang, Captain Bang, Boss Bang Mutant Boss Bang. Stuff like this could corrupt the minds of innocent people! D
Third bit. Okay, Collect book of Technique and talk to some Dwarf in the mountains with a strange name. From the speech bubbles above them, they hated humans and here I am, talking to them about my job advancement. How contradictory. He said I have to whack a big scorpion because the big scorpion was attacking Demians (Which WE had to kill for level nine quests.) [FlyFF is such a contradictory game] . Okay. So after that I completed the job advancement talking to the Assist instructor.
Whee. Level fifteen now. Only another agonizing three levels before I get my first TWO buffs. D;
Okay, so my start was not too great. No one felt like having a buffless assist with them in party. So it was manual whacking stuff and healing myself for a while.
-Two hours later-
YAY! Finally level eighteen. Two levels before I can start flying and now I have two new buffs. Yay for Assists.
So I saw Silver go on. She gave me all her equips for male that she found. Great. And she also gave me the opportunity to get a free board or broomstick. She asked me which one I want. On instinct, I choose board. Not only does it look cooler but I realised something after using some of my brain random memory. Boards arent only cooler but as I quote myself.
I continued my random grind which involved messing around the supposed Bangs and Nyangnyangs. Eventually, I reached level twenty, after leeching off random people. I also made heaps of buddies because everyone wants an Assist friend. XD
Learning to fly was easy. More than easy, I learnt five seconds into it. All the Counter strike playing paid off, and I was using the WASD keys like it was a natural thing I knew. It also made stalking easier, and more surprising. Like who wouldnt be scared if someone randomly dropped out of the sky to land right next to you. XD
So it was some more random grinding, running around into the dungeon and finding out that when bangs smash down with their hammer it does splash damage. I found out the hard way when I was taking damage randomly when I was standing next to people fighting bangs. There was one more exp box that day. I was too proud in my Assist-dom to ask another Assist for resurrection. Too proud. XD
At level 23, I did the dumbest thing, like ever. I went on this random quest from that novelist. I had to take down a level twenty five creature. Okay, no problems, so I thought. An Ringmaster-to-be Assist KILLING a creature two levels higher. What the hell was I thinking. First time, I buffed myself and brought it down to one quarter health before dying. Okay, no problem, accidentally forgot to heal myself. Second time I came back, I swear the monster took steroids while I was gone. I buffed myself, and this time, it KOed! I was determined. And too angry to let this stupid pixilated monster to beat me. I flew back from lodelight. Whack again. Another exp box. At this point, I was thinking Maybe I should stop, but it was on so little health. I took another chance and here I am GLORIFYING the fact that I killed it XD [Picture 1]
At this point, I decided to venture into the dungeon of doom and managed to walk to the end without getting too many angry creatures following me. All the while, I managed to train with random people along the way and seeing so many characters wanting resurrection. It was oh so fun and leech-ish.
At level twenty five, I made my first step into SaintMorning messing around with The Giggleboxes and helping a mercenary tank the Large Pumpkin faced boss. I kept dying because this little prick of a angry Mr. Pumpkin decided to stalk me around and tried to bash my guts out while I was trying to heal the tanking mercenary. Dying is not fun. I dont really care about losing a few percent, but what REALLY ticks me off is that the exp bar KEEPS FLASHING. Its so annoying. Gpotato is probably trying to drive us insane D
And that ends my FlyFFing for four days. I decided to visit GMS after my two week hiatus and guess what I was greeted with?
The familiar orangey spa-, I mean, loving words of all my buddies. ;D
I promise to not go on such a long Hiatus again, I promise =X
Okay, so randomly at first, I went back to Ellinia to FoG. On the way, I had to tell Damon the truth. The chat went a little like this, and it was through buddy.
Damon: What happened to the babies, Nez?
Nezzy: Damon, I dont know how to tell you this . . .
There is no baby.
Damon: WHAT?! You mean there is no baby?!
Then follow up on Screeny Two to see the rest.
It was priceless XD
A few minutes later, such an adventurous, brave, person dared to come to FoG . . .
A level fifteen thief that goes by the name of NightMuffin! Aka MasterCheeze
First, he famed me, and was rambling on about how he would hack me if I didnt pay him. Okay, and he sounded so familiar, so Cheezy-ish. XD He eventually gave in and revealed his true identity to me. [Picture 3]
A few moments later, he died. So I decided to mock him. I dropped 50k mesos in front of his face and waited for him to pick it up. Too bad he was dead XD
[Note: From here on, I have no screenys because something happened to my screeny button and it jammed. When I pressed it and that second of lag didnt happen, I kept pressing it, and nothing happened STILL.]
So after he died, I decided to go back to Sleepywood and escort him to FM where Damon was. I wasnt that good of an escort, only half focusing and I made him die two times before giving him some white potions to use. So eventually, we reached the Free Market and was messing around.
From here on, we were talking random things, Cheezy mentioning something about channel 69 being the Discovery channel while he was learning a lot of random things. We [Damon, me and Cheezy] decided to go to FM7 to take few screenies but this idiotic spammer who thought he could trick us into giving him our ID and Pass to crack the pin, came in and decided to destroy the screenies.
My two other friends decided to drop in after a while and he said that he doesnt seem to fit in because Cheezy and Damon were talking about awkward things that I vaguely remember.
One thing I do remember clearly was that we put Cheezy in a two way position. Cheezy had to choose between me and Damon.
Cheezy: For what?
Damon: Love.
Cheezy: Okay. Well I chose . . .
-increases stall time and tension-
Nezzy! Because he has the penguin. XD
Rejected? XD
After a while we all kind of left leaving Damon with his friend that was there. Nouk or something .
But it was fun. Insanely fun. XD
I should go on GMS more again. Lots of memories. x)
Altogether, in that time period, I managed to subconsciously grind two percent.
*Looks at your shiny new blog*
You spent an hour plus writing this. Do your homework.
~Lily x33.
~Lily x33.”
I’ve spent an hour plus doing worse.
I haven’t even started my Science yet.
Exactly! Let’s get him! Axiom that is!
Oh want to take me on you narcissist? Let’s go.
Think you’re the best don’t ‘cha?
Get within a hundred metres of my house and we’ll figure it out.
Y’all lucky I live very far from you.
Bet you’ve never tried a 7 Iron in your head have you?
~Lily x33. Lilyvm x33.
Dude. Cool it.
Make me.
~Lily x33. Lifly x33.
Think you’re the best don’t ‘cha?
Get within a hundred metres of my house and we’ll figure it out.
Y’all lucky I live very far from you.
Bet you’ve never tried a 7 Iron in your head have you?
~Lily x33. Lilyvm x33.”
Erm. .
Um. .
What’s a narcissist?
*twiddles thumbs*
A person that adores himself or herself .
I won’t blog until I reach Level 65 or 70 .
Nice blog but can you play gmd more so i can stalk you
Why did i say gmd i ment Gms
Omg nezzyyyyyyyyy. You finally came back on maple.
Damon XD~
It wasn’t my fault.
Yay back to global! Too bad you guys aren’t in Broa with me and MasterCheeze.
-=The Nazgul=-