Looking for HUZBEEN

yeah… looking for a Husband in maplestory. yes i have no life. be nice.

I am a verreh pretteh girly named Sanshi in Bera, i have nx…

Ma Profile!
IGN : Sanshi
Charater hair : Brown and itz cute, i change it often w/ coupons.
Charater Eyes : Female 3, (or was it 2?) Sapphire eyes. Very lovleh
Purrrrsonality : Mmm, guys like meh cuz im funny, cyoot, sometimes crazy.
Guys I would like : Charming, (of course) Cyoot, (Wiff NX, no offence non-nx ppl) affectionate (duh) a sweetheart, did i mention ceeeyoot? :DD

MSG Sanshi in Bera. I’m online now, soo… Yah.

4 thoughts on “Looking for HUZBEEN”

  1. Technically, this is advertising right? She’s advertising herself

    Note: Cussing or advertising will result in an immediate and permanent ban.

    She won’t get banned for it, though xD

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