I have been a-maplin’ for a year now. (My bday is aug 10th, coming up, WHEEE~)
I have alot of friends on maplestory. (None are in real, cuz all my friends in real are so un-computer-exped. psh, HomeSchoolers -_- no, i have never in my entire life been to public school.)
I have alot of friends, (not to brag) I’ve been called funny, nice, generous, affectionate, and sometimes a meanie.
what about you
i dun tink tats popular tat just means u have make believe friends
its easy to make friends -_-
Whoo! My birthday’s on the 4th. . .coming up sooner than yours! =P I have a few real life friends that Maple with me. . .but in real life I have a few awesome friends, and others are just. . .friends.
Lol, After I quit for 4 months, When I walk through towns people keep saying “Omg Its KiiierXSin or Hey its Wil”
P.S. Wil is my nickname
Umm. . . I think Im popular. hehe, played when broa just came up. Always been treated like “queen” >< I don’t think i deserve it but oh well. I think Im popular because my maple dad is level 1xx (really high)>< and that my maple family is kewl. like Aunty skull(skullbaby) level 7x
(who is top 10 richest person :D) and theres also my other bros lifedante(level 8x) and xxkeruxx level 7x hermit.
and my Uncle pat (senato) level 7x and my bro wingzero0033
my maple mom level 1xx and my maple stepdaddy level 9x.
Im really nice to newbs, give them 10k whenever they beg for mesos or if they don’t ask, I give too. ^_^
I don’t brag but isn’t popularity the topic? o.O
I’ve been given nx. . .
all my maple friends think Im cool and I get 2 guys hittin on me each day (it’s weird. . .)
I never like to judge people by what they are, I judge em by who they are. (or is it the other way round? x_X)
Now that mom made me delete maple we’ve all been keeping in contact via email.
Like i said, I may have been out of maple but i still remain in the maple community! <333
omg. my b-day is the same as your b-day too! LETS CELEBRATE :D!
if u havent been to public school u dont kno what ur missing
are you guys familiar with, False friends are like leaves, very common but Real Friends are like Diamonds, very rare.
it’s not easy finding a true friend thats dear to you.
ah sorry for the REALLY and i mean REALLY crappy blog you guys i had to make it short because i had to go.