OMG NO WAI lvl 70!

Sup guys! I reached lvl 70 yesterday and I ran straight to El Nath for 3rd job. My friends were like “Pshhh Dances is Easy you can kill him! No problem”

Lesson #1: Don’t trust your friends.

I ALMOST DIED fighting him!

Me:Y’all tried to kill meh!
Friends:lulz no
Me: (-_-) nvm……

I went BACK to El nath for teh quiiiiz. The I was like “OMG I FORGOT DARK CRYSTAL ORES” So off I went to FM.
Checked some stores
No luck.

Hours later…..
Me: You guys see any dc ores pour moi?
Friends:They’re like 900k each ore

When I read that….
My jaw fell to the floor and bounced right back up to my mouth. SO I went to Ludi to pq. Maybe to earn money?
LOL! Did I make money!

Anyway I got the ores. ALMOST failed the test (meh, what can you expected from my first character)

Became a DK. Showed off a bit. Then I fell asleep in front of the computer. -_-

Started character: October 7 2007
2nd Job: Oct 27 2007
Became DK:Feb 9 2008



10 thoughts on “OMG NO WAI lvl 70!”

  1. If you were to play Taiwan MS.
    I’d support you all the way.

    Dark Crystals cost only 500k in Taiwan MS. I can buy 4 of them

    EDIT: not DC ores, just DC itself.

  2. DC’s . . . 1mil+, I thought? O_o Pretty inflation there in GMS.

    I hunted my ores from 6x to 70 at Luster Pixies. Got enough for two tries in case I made a mistake, lol.

    Oh, and at least you didn’t DIE, you NEARLY did.
    I died fighting Athena.

  3. Dark Crystal Ores aren’t 900k each. Drop a zero and they still are a bit above the price.

  4. Gratz on DK
    I died when becoming a priest, dam those Macis =(
    And I died while doing the dark crystal thing too, didn’t know that you lose HP in that map >.> (Was alt+tabbing to check answers on Hidden-Street =P)
    Made me sold all my equips just to get another dark crystal =/

  5. guosim said: “Gratz on DK
    I died when becoming a priest, dam those Macis =(
    And I died while doing the dark crystal thing too, didn’t know that you lose HP in that map >.> (Was alt+tabbing to check answers on Hidden-Street =P)
    Made me sold all my equips just to get another dark crystal =/”

    Ouch lol and you used Hidden street? I used my noodle (Brain)

    @Replaced:In Kradia it is per ore.


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