Dealing with the generation of tomorrow;

Yes, re-read the title if you need to.
It’s been a rough 8 months on maple, starting out with trial & error characters, to finding the exact one that fits my personality (a Sin, of course!), but the one thing that has been easy to shake, is the empty-heads of today’s youth.
I’m going to be quite honest here, & tell you all that I am twenty-two, born in Europe but now living in the US. I am a male. Sounds pretty normal, maybe a little old to be playing video games, but here’s what gets people riled up. I have a boyfriend. Yes, that’s right, I am what you suspect I am, but what I would probably get deleted/banned in saying full-out. (Which is another rant all of it’s own..). My boyfriend also plays MS, & when we get together & trian, most people think we’re a couple, as they should. Their first question usually is, “Which one of you is the girl in r/l?”. We F2, & say neither. Than they F5, F6, or F7. Following those are a hoard of defames, or “ewwww” commentary.
I get it, not many parents teach kids about, well, boys with boyfriends, but come on. If you’re going to play a MMO, you need to have an open mind, because chances are, you’re going to meet someone who is completely different from you.

I would like to meet some other, boys with boyfriends, or girls with girlfriends, (I wish I could put the politically correct terms, but again, I might be banned for it), but how do I go about asking if there is a guild or group for these people?

Argh, sometimes the boundaries in MS are frustrating, but I need to remember; This is a kids game, & not all kids are educated & come from the same understanding background as I’m used to.

Two posts in one day, wow, I really love this blog.

6 thoughts on “Dealing with the generation of tomorrow;”

  1. yep. Kids these days, I am 11 but I know a suprising amount for my age, #_#

  2. People need to grow up. The most pathetic part is that they say “Eww,” or something along those lines. For someone to descriminate against guys with boyfriends / girls with girlfriends is really, well, disgusting. People really need to grow up.

    I don’t know. Am I really the only 12-year-old who thinks this way?
    I really hope not.

  3. Yea I totally agree, people really need to understand the way people are, everyone is different in there ways, and yet again im 11 too, but still totally agree with this topic, and it seems that some people (who are probably 15 or 16) seem way more immature than me, an 11 year old,

  4. and yet they get all giggly and go ‘ooo’ to two girls giving eachother the smoochie face.
    love you Carson, [but not as much as i love e-getting to second base with my girly friend in a Free Market full of little kiddies.]

    god i’m so your stalker.

  5. honestly who cares what those kids think just as long as u live your life the way u want to. props to u for being honest bout ur status

  6. I’m a 23-year-old boy with a boyfriend, and I’ve come out on Maple Story to two other friends of mine, and they’re fine with it. My boy and I have been in an online relationship over six years strong.
    I don’t know if you’re in Khaini or not, but if you need someone of the same orientation to vent to or at least talk to about such matters to someone while in-game to get things off your shoulders, you can contact me in Khaini usually under the character “AslanPriest”.
    Y’know, Aslan. Like the lion. XD
    Try not to let the kids get you down, mon ami. In the end, that’s what they are:

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