-Based on a true story..ish D: Characters names are changed.-
Lilly was living a happy life, this was her second day back and she had gained more than she had in a week ever in her Maple Life. Her family, friends and guild members cheering her on every step that she took, she thought the luck would spread forever. Everyone though had noticed Lilly’s behavior was becoming quite odd. They hadn’t seen her in atleast four months, and they remembered her as a sweet girl, a bit hyper, but perferably one to not stick her snout into buisness. Now she had turned sour, striking down things that were hurtful to some, but made others laugh. She was also hanging around Kerning when she got to Victoria Island. More and more they began to drift away from Lilly, she didn’t notice it though, too stuck up with attention.
It was alas until one day her older sister, Rin met up with her in Perion as she was going to the Free Market. The two said their hellos, exchanged a few sisterly insults, and laughed a bit. Rin led Lilly into an empty stall in the market and shook her head. “Lilly,” she began, “What’s wrong with you? Your not the same as you used to be. Everything seems diffrent about you, how you act, what you do, you know? I really wa-“
Lilly had taken enough of the talk, the kitsune held up a paw, a vein showing right above her right eye, near her ear. “I’m tired of this, all everyone does to me is ask what’s wrong. Listen Rin, and tell the others this; nothing is wrong, nothing is going on..” she let her paw down and stormed out, making quite a fuss with it too.
Rin just watched as her sister dissapeared through the vortex back to Perion. She quickly then began to summon a meeting, whispering everyone but Lilly. Actions had to be taken to stop her from turning from bad to worse.
When the time arived they all met in a secret area. Ura and Rin were first, the two had been huntin since she had told everyone. Next came Nuku, who was also hunting at the time. They all waited for the arival of Tooski before starting. It was only a few moments later he had arived.
“Okay, you all know why I called you here right?” Rin asked, as they casually sat on the grassed out area.
“It is because of Lilly’s behavior,” Tooski answered, laying on his back.
“She has changed in a way that scares me, it’s almost as if it’s not her at all,” Nuku replied, standing up for a moment.
“Yes, but we must not forget that she has been gone for almost four months,” Ura pointed out, nodding.
The others agreed, and they began to spark ideas for plans. AFter someitime had passed, they all agreed on a solid plan, and parted their ways, acting as if nothing had happened…
End of Chapter One.
..Hope this series will pull through..~
It’s pretty good.
But exactly what species is Lily? “Paw”, “kitsune”? Are they cat-things or something? I’m confused.
Use MSword spell check. It will help opoint out any spelling or grammar errors.
The dialogue is mildly good, and the plot is quite good, in my opinion. Dialogue-related actions are excellent.
Overall, 7/10
Thanks. And Lilly is a full blood kitsune. owo;
.o. Forgive the errors and things, I wasn’t exactly checking them over yet. :D;
Kitsunes are foxes in Japanese, right? Give her nine-tails
*clap clap* Good jooob, Mythic. ;D
“Kitsune” means fox, and they are also the folkloric, shapeshifting fox spirits. Knowing you as Mythic, Lilly must be an anthro, unlike Rin, human with fox ears and tails, right?
Woo. Keep it going, Mythix.
– Kit
(Mask of Smak <3)