[Don’t worry this is short and fast to read]
In my guild Perpetual, we train a lot, A LOT.
We’re active, friendly, nice, and yes we do talk, but our majority of time is spent on training.
This boy Hirokosan thinks he was really all that, trying to control the guild, run the show himself, putting down others, thinking he was always right [when he was wrong], and other things, like also being an ASS.
[2 people left from the guild because of him]
Finally one day i just put him on his spot since he was annoying [9999th occasion], and he just left.
EVERYONE was happy and relieved he left and i invited the 2 people that previously left, and now they’re back in the guild happy lol.
People that never usually talk [shy people] finally even said they were even happy he left LOL!
He later tells me how Pathetic and Dull i am for my leadershipness in the guild.
I’m like…what the heck, who are you to talk, you can’t even run your own guild, let alone get along with others w/o being a constant ass.
He just continues to blabber on while i drink coffee, telling me i’m immature and stupid and whatnot. HAHA
He THEN posts on my BasilMarket guild recruitment thread about how dumb the guild is etc..and i told him earlier i can ban him from BasilMarket and temp ban etc and even IP ban if things get that far.
He continues twice..but so far i removed him twice. HAHA!
..If he continues any further, i’ll show him what i’m really made of in MS.
I’m not just some regular player without hookups. I know more than he can ever imagine..and maybe i should tell the master of his guild “United” to boot him out too. Hirokosan isn’t needed around for his pathetic attributes.
Good game. What an ass.
i know this game is just a game and maybe he might not care, but if he doesn’t care, then he won’t have a problem with his character being destroyed and his ‘reputation’ too.
Heh. He deserved it. XD If I were you I would mass defame him if he does that one more time. But, that’s just me and my evil ways. XD
O_O u know~~~ mass defaming could get banned toooooo~~
United? As in Scania’s United?
Whatever you do, m’boy, don’t let him win this war.
One of my guild always asked me for free stuff and money. This guy COnker155 always droped stuff then told you to drop and when they didn’t he called them a noob which isn’t fair, he also did it to my pq’s i expeled him eventuly and he spamed my track when ever i got in so i had to quite pqing.
‘Nice goal. Good kick.’
You can ban people from Basilmarket? *interested*
[edit] And welcome to MMOtales.