Even an Apple can Help Along the Way
Lawrence had to find him. With a blade so dull and rusted, he knew he would not make it very far on his journey without a new weapon. Unfortunately, his wallet is empty and so is his stomach; There is no money for a new sword and there is no strength to make money from killing local monsters. Lawrence was as helpless as a snail in the oh so famous hunting ground at Henesys. “I knew I should not have left without eating, but I was in such a rush, I completely forgot.”
“Say Lawrence, you look a bit down. I bet you could use one of my apples.” It was Roger, the local apple seller. Roger used to be very close friends with Lawrence’s father. After his father died, Roger did the best he could to help out Lawrence and his sister in their time of need. Usually the apple tycoon would send a basket of apples to their house every once in a while, but that was basically the only help he could provide. Roger did not have a home; his apples were everything.
“I sure could use something to eat,” Lawrence replied.
“So you’re finally leaving for Victoria Island?”
“Indeed. I do not plan to return anytime soon.” The starving adolescent took the apple from Roger’s outstretched hand and took a huge bite. As always, they were sweet and delicious.
“Here Lawrence,” Roger hastily barked as the adventurer started reaching the core of the apple. “You will definitely need these along your journey.” He pulled out two intriguing looking bottles, one with red liquid, the other with blue. And once he was done handing the strange bottles over, the apple seller pulled out a small manual from his backpocket. “I also suggest that you read this 3-paged manual. It’s really helped me when I’m growing and harvesting my apples. They say there are techniques really similar to those, but I hear they are much more effective.”
Lawrence looked at the peculiar bottles first, and then the manual. “Oh,” said Roger in an I-nearly-forgot sort of manner,”and the two bottles I gave you should help just in case you ever find yourself a bit on the weary side. The red potion should help when you’re low on physical strength. The blue potion should help when you are casting techniques such as the three in the manual.” The curious adventurer looked at the manual more closely. It had 3 different words inscripted within that stood out above the rest; Recovery, Nimble Feet, and Three Snails. “When using those techniques, you will lose not your physical energy, but your mana. Mana could be described as magical energy from within, but I’m not really sure. When you get to Victoria, just talk to a mage. I’m sure they’ll know something about magic.”
“Well,” replied Lawrence, “You’ve helped me quite a lot in the past few years, but I have to say, it’s kind of hard to bid you farewell. But I must do it. Please keep watch over my sister while I’m gone okay?”
“Oh she’ll be fine. She IS the strongest person on this island you know.”
Lawrence let a little smirk take form upon his face. And with all said and done, he had started walking once again, waving goodbye to the jolly apple salesman. With a supply of fresh apples, Lawrence feels confident that he will survive by the time he reaches Lith Harbor. But first, he must find him…
MuffinDinger? Are you related to muffins? o.o
P.S. – What’s a dinger? o.O
Even though I read your comment on your first blog
Don’t ding me, please.
I think this story is a bit TOO much MS related. But it’s just my opinion. I don’t really like stories that tie in with a lot of MS.
-=The Nazgul=-
Each to his own, I guess. There’s good effort put into this though, and I’d look forward to reading more.
If you do, then do not get too excited. I tend to really draw out details and such so it might take a while before you see any action >_<
But if you can survive the first few chapters I’ll try my best to please the masses.