So I’m in the FM from Aqua Road, selling, buying, and trading items. A random trade request comes. MAN139 was his name I believe.
So he says hi and I say hello. Now, look at the screens. they explain it all. He talks about how I’m a scammer and is going to call the “maple police.” He then tells me to go to ch 20. I change channels and he says, “i follow you.” He also said. “israel?” Which I didn’t get. I’m Filipino.
Luckily I was in aqua, so I just had to exit the FM.
O.o weird dude.
Just a typical bad expericence. If you liked this blog please click the enjoyed button. Feel free to leave a comment.
LOL have u taken ur pills today sir?
LOL that cracked me up
maple police XD
they’re probably GMs >_>
i’m going to the police. what police? the maple police. XP made me laugh for a while
there was not anything to this blog. people are idiots, and it’s kinda sad you are just realizing this.
It’s just my thoughts and experiences.
HAHA. Wooow noobs are funny.
noobs are very funny