L33t Speak?

1337 = l33t = leet = elite.

Does this typing look good? Not to many people. I mean:

l-l1 l/l`/ ll@l/l3 1$ l/lR.$U@V3

Hi my name is MrSuave.

See what I mean? The difference between the ways of typing? Hurts your eyes? Yes it does. I see these in names, and sometimes when people type it.

L33TSoljer, This is an example of a maplestory name, er, an imaginary one. I think. >.< I’m just ranting about how would people react if everyone started to talk 1337. It would be utter CHAOS~.

D0N’7 Y@ 7H1Nk? HUR71nG Y0uR 3Y3$ Y37?!

I found out the name of this kind of speak a while ago, and use it mostly for example. For what do these people gain by using it? Sorry if people have this in their names, if you do, my bad. DD:

So this is my random thoughts on 1337 $p3@K. $0 7i11 1 VVR173 @G@1N~


7 thoughts on “L33t Speak?”

  1. It says: You need to learn how how to speak leet, lol,
    For some reason i find it really easy to read, a lot of my friends type in it as a joke.

  2. In my opinion, everyone’s l33t is bad. If the national language of any country becomes L33t, I will personally nuke it.

    My bet’s on America for that

  3. ahhhhh just for reading that, my eyes are burning! ahh the horror! im dieing!
    ( can’t put happy face cuz my eyes would be burning )
    X_X-Ka- ahhhhhhhh! i just bumped into the wall

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