At last, I have found a place that is a welcome change from the dreary, monotonous scenery that is Paradise city and the desert beach.
While making my journey through the undersea caves with my friend Ceresa, We reached a city called Aquarius. It was beautiful, and the watery blue that surrounded us was a nice break from the glaring sands and awful sand demons. Unfortunately, we had to split paths, and I was left there alone.
Some time afterwards, An acquaintance of mine named Interia said that she was on her way to meet me there, and she brought along her friend, Stacato. He is very kind and intellectual, and I rather enjoy his company.After meeting up, we all made our way through the dark caves on the opposite side of the city. I know not why Interia likes the dark, but it’s just as well. I have a feeling all foxes like dark caves…then again, I only know two, both of which have led me into dark caves.
When we emerged from the other side, we were greeted by the warm sun and the familiar smell of seawater. At first I thought we were back in the deserts of Paradise, but it turns out we were somewhere else. The sun was warm, not sweltering, and the breeze was crisp and clean. After a short trek, we found that we were in a remote peninsula ccity called Blooming Cora. I love it here, it’s absolutely beautiful.
I talked to a girl in town and it seems she’s looking for some rare cards. I informed Stacato, and he invited me to join him in searching for these cards. I don’t know why, but my heart was racing as we talked, perhaps I was just out of breath though. It’s not often I go through such strenuous exercise.
After a while, we found the cards, and he said that I was so helpful, that he wanted to treat me to some ice cream. I know I should have said no, but I politely accepted. Ow well, maybe with all this exercise, I won’t gain so much weight.
post scrip
I got this picture of us…I wonder why my cheeks are so red? it wasn’t that hot in there. You can even see the crimson past the stupid duck that got in the way. oh well, Maybe Stacato won’t notice.
Guh. That Stacato complains too much. First, he complains that we’re walking too much, the he volunteers to go card hunting with Lilli. THEN he has the gall to complain that I left in the middle of our hunt. Well excuse me for not wanting to intrude on the little love fest.
Seriously, those two need to just go out already, the tension is driving me crazy.
Oh well, at least I got to hang out with Keft…that moo-cow.
Oh, i added some pictures:
note to self
Tell Lilli to stop freaking out about her weight, she’s pleasantly plump, not a blimp >_>
OOC (out of character) Update
Wow, i wish that I found coral beach sooner, I love it. the desert beach is bland D:
And it hurts my eyes.
With me no longer playing Maple, I decided to make my comic Trickster based instead. And instead of screencaps, it’ll be hand drawn. And I’ll post it here.
Maybe after I get to a scanner, I’ll post my sketches of Interia and Stacato.
Poor Lilli, she doesn’t want to eat Ice cream with Staccy because she’s self conscious. She may be intelligent, but sometimes, she’s not too smart. Staccy likes teh plump XD
No wonder Interia’s frustrated. Stacato’s all crushing on Lilli, and it’s so obvious, but Lilli can’t see it because she thinks Stacato sees her as some fat chick XD
IRL though, Stacato is played by my best friend and fellow roleplayer, and being a trusted friend who can seperate reality from roleplaying, my sweetie doesn’t go all kill happy about it.
Sides, my sweetie’s character is non-relationship and stuff, freaking boxing obsessed bunny. D:
screen 1: Yes, raccoons ARE fluffy
screen 2 : happy sheepy
screen 3 : awwww….
for those who don’t know, “sow” (pronounced like cow) is a female pig. Interia knows this and wants to be funny XD
Where is your face is the first link? I looked forever and can’t find it. Evil voodoo magic!
I dunno why, but I keep imagining Trickster to be some Lego land place. XD
She’s blushing in character. She didn’t realize it.
poor shy, innocent sheepy.
whoao, i, didn’t look at it, but there’s a freaking duck in the way, >_>
Ceresa, is she a fox by any chance? T.T my friend ceresa or something deleted me along time ago i wanna ask of her, btw ceresa if you read this comment add me again >.< DevilBesideU
and and im level 102 now
hope you add me again T.T