The following rant/blog is inspired by “I am” by islapbabies/Cherie: link
XD cheap plugs… anyway, I looked at that and felt like writing about who Yandao is. Just because I find myspace crap, n stuff like that.
So anyway, my name is Liam Yandao, I’m obsessed with my girlfriend Sara (enclosed pic), music. The things I like are wrestling, video games, the guitar (I have 2, so I enclosed pics of both) and uhhh… that’s probably about it.
I’m a hugely unlucky person, physically. I’ve had a broken neck and a broken arm before, both by freak accidents. The neck… well, it’s almost too stupid to say. I rolled over in bed, fell out, hit my head on the floor and twisted it, thus breaking the neck. The doctors said that it might not’ve been as bad as it was, but I moved my neck on the floor, felt a stinging pain go down my legs, arms, back and knew I had broken it. Now, you might be asking why I rolled out of the bed in the first place. I had a broken arm at the time. Ahh, now you get it.
NowanywaybacktoSara. I met her on Maple Story. “Pathetic, get a life, haha n00b” Save it for someone who’s actually listening. She lived near me, so we decided to meet up. I was a bit nervous at first in case she faked her pic, told lies, etc. But all was fine, the only thing she lied about was the fact she didn’t have 73mil.
My friends are basically what make my life what it is. Without friends, there’d just be an empty hole there. I tend to get on better with people online than I do in real life, maybe because it’s just a whole lot easier. Where I live, the people aren’t nice to be friendly with. Start being friendly with them, and you’ll start taking drugs and other crap like that. I love my friends on Maple to bits, even though I hardly ever go on now and most of em don’t have MSN or AIM. It sucks.
I guess you could call me a Straight-edger. Just because I am, doesn’t mean I think it’s cool to go sXe just because CM Punk is on TV and it’s been turned from a way of life into some sort of fashion.
On a side note, I just got a Wii with Red Steel, LoZ, Tony Hawks and Wii Sports. So hah. Anyway, that’s pretty much my life. Never mind me, my life revolves around others. And things.
Oh, I got to level 46 a while back, but haven’t played since then. Isn’t that fun. Enclosed is a pic of me in all my sucky un-glory.
I’ll close with a bit of news for you…
WILMAR, MN- In what has been called an ‘idiotic’ and ‘senseless’ move, 6-year-old Wilmar resident Hayden Morrison has drowned in a pond. Morrison’s mother, Sandy Tucker, in an emotional press conference this morning, described exactly what happened leading up to Morrison’s ridiculously stupid death.
“We went for a walk in the park, like we do every Saturday,” described Tucker, “we were feeding the ducks at the pond, when my friend from work, Corinne, walks by, so she stops to talk. Suddenly, we heard a splash, and there was Hayden, floating face down in the middle of the pond.”
Tucker and her friend rushed to save Morrison, but by the time they had fished him out with big sticks, he had died.
“How stupid is this kid?,” inquired Wilmar Sheriff Lou Asche at this morning’s press conference, “I mean, how did the kid go from being alive and well to floating face down in a duck pond? The pond was only four inches deep! How the hell did he drown in four inches of water?”
A report released today shows that this kind of death is not uncommon. An accident in Redmond, WA, last month, resulted in some stupid kid drowning in a puddle, two inches deep. Another incident in Beaumont, TX, saw a 10-year-old boy drown while showering.
“He picked a hell of a time to die,” said the father of Morrison, Tony Morrison, “it’s almost Christmas. I had got his presents already. Now I have to go back and return them. Some I bought months ago, so I’m over the 30-day return limit. Do I look like I want store credit?”
Yandao means handsome. How the hell would that be a name.
You saying I’m ugly?! Anyway, it’s not my real last name.
I dislike you for your username. Change it.
No. I’m saying your parents are mad
MSEA guys. Shush. He’s already admitted he isn’t Yandao, now let him use the name if he wants to.
Freedom of username creation. Please.
But it’s self praise.
and it is confusing and disturbing
I know what it means. What I’m saying is, let him use the username. Let him present himself as egoistic if you should choose to view it that way, and simply pretentious to others. Let him dig his own pit. But don’ask him to change it; let him see for himself.
No. I’m not on anyone’s side here. Except my own.
I didn’t know it meant Handsome. Now I sound stupid,
Mista Handsome? >_>
Anyway, I used Yandao as a nickname before Maple was even released, so nyah.
you are a very interesting person.
i hope you write more about yourself in the future.
Thanks, you too
I can’t believe that a kid drowned in a pond of 4 inches deep. . . Didn’t he know how to stand up? O_O
I guess not. News rocks, these days. Like the prossie murders in Britain. “Police are linking Jack The Ripper with the murders after a pause in his killing spree for about 118 years. They are looking for information of men in their 140s-150s who may have been around the area at the time of the murders.”
lol then it will be hard to find people in the 140s-150s. I’ve never heard of someone that old. The oldest was like around 110 years old, but I’m not sure.
It’s not real