I went to Bill in Perion and packed a special range of presents for a couple of my best friends. You all know who you are, because I know for a fact that you come here.
You’re gonna wonder why I gave you these presents. Well, I’m quitting. For good this time. I’ve just got so sick of everything to do with Maple. The only thing that kept me going on it from time to time was you guys.
I just wanna thank you for the friendship you gave. I know it’s only a game and all, but that doesn’t stop the fact that you will always mean more to me than any idiot I meet in real life.
Most of all, I wanna thank you guys for your support when I was on my hermit from level 62-73. You’ll know it was a hellish time for me. I got hacked, lost all my money and 70% of my items. I had scrolls saved, they were gone. You guys came along and you helped me train, you gave me money, you helped me get my items back, and most of all, when I got sad about what had happened, you were there to cheer me up again.
A special thanks goes out to my ex-Maple girlfriend and now good friend Cary for being there whenever, whether we were together or not. I can’t forget you.
So yeah, goodbye guys. I loved every moment of it.
If you want a reason, its because the community has gotten so bad lately, and the fact that my PC can’t handle Maple anymore, and it hasn’t been able to for a while.
I promise you, the very second I get a computer that can handle Maple, I WILL be back. I guarantee it.
<3 you all,
I’m actually very sad that I can’t attach some pics to show just how much I love you guys. I don’t have any pics left because I had to reformat. To those that I know who read this, hopefully you’ll remember all the good moments. If you have any pics, get ahold of me on MSN at sh00rtshynob1k AT NOSPAM gmail.com and give them to me. Nothing like nostalgia.
Oh, and I’m gonna stick around here. I’m incapable of abandoning Maple altogether, XD
Hmm strange
seems like lots of people are quitting today
i wonder why
okay so you knew i come here. lol. i cant believe your quitting T_T
seems like only yesterday you quit on your hermit when you got hacked. haha. well i hope to see you back soon
sad to see you go, and yes i remember all of the great memories. remember that time when Aurora peed on you xD
<3 forever
<3 Fairie
I think I might just quit also. Because sometimes on MapleStory people act like complete 9 year olds. And my other reason is it gets kinda boring when your leveling and you only get like 0.01% o_o.