My Cheif Bandit.

I’m always having people asking me about my build. So i guess this is to just answer some questions as to how i train, what is my build and etc. With chiefbandits you can go anyway you want because you still always have a good attack with Savage Blow.
I’m a low-dex CB, so that is why i do alot more damage than other CB’s my level.
At first i was turned off from going low-dex because the pirate suits are just too sexy!, but i figured that i can just disguise my lvl 35 overall with CS, and i’d still get to wear the dex pirate hat :>
Being low-dex is EXTREMELY expensive, just my overall cost me 75mil. It is a 21 dex overall. So i won’t be needing a new overall soon, unless i can afford a 25 dex one which is like, not happening. x_X
GOOD Dex capes are hard to come by are also expensive, and snow shoes.. well. Can be a pain in the butt to scroll.

So if you are confused about going low-dex this is what i can tell you :
When you start off, buy DEX clothe to fullfil your dex requirements, what your are aiming for is all your combined added dex will give you total Dex 130 (for lvl 90) so add just enough dex to get you to that,
Try to get the best dex items you can, the more dex added means the more luk you can add.

Honestly, i dont get what is the fuss about Work gloves. If you are a thief, why not just get yourself a scrolled THIEF glove, it will be WAY better than a WG overall. Why? Well because if you have a 9 att wg, that only comes with 2 wep. Def, as opposed to a 9 att theif glove with +4 luk +2 dex. Then you are missing out on the extra attack. See where im getting at?
SO yeah, Ditch those WG and get yourself a Theif Glove. They might be more expensive, because they give you more, but totally worth it.

About my build:
I’ve read tons of CB guides, i was so confused about how to start off. I was overtaken by the fact that Band of theives was a mob attack, but Assualter was strong, and shiney. I can tell you, that there are tons of Guides out there that will tell you to start with ME, or with BOT. I started out with 5 points to Assualter, and then the rest to BOT. Atfirst i kept thinking ok, its a new skill when i put more points it will do more damage. Wrong. It was already up to lvl 8, and i was still only doing 1k damage. So i bought a bunch of AP resets and put them all into assualter, and by lvl 8 i was doing around 3k and low 4k. Meso explosion would be stupid to get as a first 3rd job skill, although its strong, it wastes tons of money. I wouldn’t recommed that as one of your first skills.

My build is based on Power, because i wanted to train on bigger monsters.
This is what do:
LVL 70-80 – Max Assualter – TRUST ME, you will be doing high damage, and able to train on bigger things. Like ludi monsters, something you can’t do with BOT.

I havent gotten past lvl 78, so, i guess i’ll update when i do. :>

Training Areas
Everyone tells me to train on zombies, but i hate being there. It’s too crowded and its too far from a pot shop.
Hectors are just as good, with less people, and if you are low-dex you can find a dex scroll for cape at hectors.
I always train at MDT, with my DK bf, and a priest. The exp, is sexy i get around 718 Exp per kill. :>

You can also go to Mixed golems, they are 220 exp, and have around the same hp as zombies. They also hit you less. You can pretty much go anywhere, its up to you.

7 thoughts on “My Cheif Bandit.”

  1. My rule is when i actually get to that level, i can basically do whatever i want. Cos thats not gonna be anytime soon ><.

    And about the wg, i dunno realli. Maybe cos its classless, so easier to sell the scrolled one?

  2. This is why BOT doesn’t get any stronger-

    Level 1: MP -10; Basic attack 110%, 1 “other self” will attack enemies
    Level 2: MP -10; Basic attack 120%, 1 “other self” will attack enemies
    Level 3: MP -10; Basic attack 130%, 1 “other self” will attack enemies
    Level 4: MP -10; Basic attack 140%, 1 “other self” will attack enemies
    Level 5: MP -10; Basic attack 150%, 1 “other self” will attack enemies
    Level 6: MP -10; Basic attack 160%, 1 “other self” will attack enemies
    Level 7: MP -20; Basic attack 120%, 2 “other self” will attack enemies

    So basically you have to max it or get to the ‘5 other selves’ stage for it to be worth it.

  3. MDT? Whats MDT? Lol hi Minni.e Ima being a low dex sin. o.O What a coinkidink? Thats my way of saying coincidence. So, Any tips on low dex sin? My guide is pretty helpful but Im in bellocan so I cant get the maple kandayo. T.T But fortunately a 28 attk maple claw is only 3.4 mil!

  4. you got such a good point about the wg.
    why do thiefs just use wg? why not thief gloves?
    anyway I probably won’t make nay low-dex thieves.
    I would be so poor. I only currently got 20mil on my cleric.
    anyway I think for 3rd job you should just add w/e skillls you want to. In the end you;re just going to end up maxing everything. I mean KMS is doing beta for 4th job. Not like 1 SP in your 3rd job is really going to affect eveything. FOr now. As Long as 4th job isn’t out you don’t have a limited number of SP. as long as you keep leveling you can max everything. I mean if it was like 1st job skills you only get a limited number because 2nd job is already out.
    get my point?
    anyway I guess a skill build could help leveling faster. But when I become priest I;m just going to put in all the fun skills like summon and doom.

  5. Yeah it totally depends on the person. I thought that bot would be fun, but if i continued with bot, that meant that i had to stay at zombies. Hells to the no. I hat zombies more than anything ever. So Assualter was the way to go. As for low-dex, yeah im pretty poor, but i love my character and the damage it makes:>

  6. About the wg. You’re right, but. . .
    People could also trade with there own chars, for example: If you have a warrior and a thief. You could trade so the warrior could also use the wg.
    And when you decide to sell a glove that is scrolled with att, then it’s better to have a wg. That way there will be no problem with the different classes.

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