To all people who start guild wars…..

Hey,this is Bloodyrcher.I’m here today i’m here to ask a for some advise.
What should you do if you quit a guild and make a new one?
What should you do if the old leader gets mad at you?
What should you do if hes one of your best pals and gets 5 guilds to defame you?
What should you do if he starts a Guild war with you?
What should you do if he says he will always be yor pal no matter what and shows no sign of friendliness?
What should you do if you already ask him why he is starting a Guild war and never answers?

Anyone have advise?…..

3 thoughts on “To all people who start guild wars…..”

  1. Well, if someone does this to you, they PROBABLY aren’t a true friend. Just because you aren’t in the same guild as another person doesn’t mean you’re automatically enemies. If your old guild leader was truly your friend, he wouldn’t mind if you left to start a new guild.

  2. lol, that guild leader reminds me of a certain someone *glares*

    People move on, they should learn that.

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