I have been denying and denying my Maplestory obesession. “I’m not obessed!” I say, protesting as my mom takes away my laptop and hides it. (In a cardboard box, but that’s another story.) But the real cincher, that convinced even me that I’m obessed was last Friday in gym class.
It was raining, so we played matball, which is like kickball, except you use your hands and it’s in a smaller area. I was up, and managed to hit the ball and get to first base. (Which most everyone did) So, next ball was out, and the next one, and then someone screamed “RUN!” So, being the spaz I am, I RAN. And I was almost to 2nd base, too, when I got tagged. And the thoughts going through my head?
“Darn. If I had a maxed-out Dark Sight or Haste, I’d have made it!”
And it wasn’t until I was in Civics that I realized how obsessive that sounded.
Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
[Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]
Talk about MMO-Related stuff .
Don’t Spam .
[I once spammed. Note the past tense. *Nods at Ink*]
Blog about MMO-related stuff .
Be nice <3
And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .
Don’t talk 1337 .
Type properly, legibly, don’t use short forms too often, and use paragraphs <3
Don’t rant about hackers; we’ve had enough of blogs debating whether hackers are [*Negatives*] or not.
Don’t make popularity blogs .
Read the rules if in any doubt .
Don’t cuss .
Do not make one-liners unless there’s a comic in it . 8D
Blog about your ENTIRE MMO DAY not just a section .
Do not start a flame war . Doing any of the above can cause one. If you dislike someone of MMOT, don’t say it. Just ignore the person.
Anything irrelevant to MMO can go in Profil3 <3
*Shakes your hands with great force*
– *Hands you a MuffinMallow*
Try it .
Its delicious <3
And not poisoned .
-Tries to hide poison bottle behind back-
*Snaps fingers*
Greetings, you are now completely under my control . You will obey the rules, and do everything as mentioned above, to prevent yourself from being burnt .
And you SHALL obey all of the above, or I’ll hunt you down .
Beware of the fluffy parakeets waving the pillows of feathers at the cow jumping over the orange singing We wish you a merry Christmas completely off key, because cows cant sing for an ice cream watch. The orange screams, and jumps off the cupboard just to find a tsunami screaming that the sky was falling and penguins were riding on sea turtles! Run because a guy in a Halloween costume turned into a dwarf and is currently raiding a sweet shop, and ignoring the coconuts being thrown on him by radioactive lizards! >;O
Fifteen men on a dead men’s chest!
Yo-hoo ~ and a bottle of rum!
What are you doing, you parakeets!
Don’t squish the captain’s feet!
The ships doctors face turned red-
OH CURSE IT, he cried!
And the pirates were sued by a bunch of parrots that were actually illegally transported ladybirds who ate beds. The fluffy pillow was impaled by a nuclear weapon when a pirate hypnotized a piece of bread. The pirate jumped off a seashell when he realised that cats were extraterrestrial monsters that were taking over earth, and still couldnt believe it even when a wall thermometer slapped him in the brain! The deceased captain rose in his coffin and mumbled that he had a great sleep, and he petrified his mourners who were eating purple caterpillars and being drunk. Then he rode on shark, and bought a circus, and called it JAWS and made a movie, which led to the prejudice of sharks.©
HELLO NEW FRIEND! Let me show you around!
Thats Nezzy, and thats MrLumpy.
And that poor guy they’re eating is MasterCheeze.
That over there is Annikabelle. She has Parakeets. Sometimes shes crazy. Other times she worships me, cause I’m “Da uber awsomest”
Thats Dest1, and the guy who comes in occasionally is LeifGreen. He made the forum 3 Word Story. Its awsome.
:: Points to another area::
Thats DarkWar4Ever. Hes odd. And very, quiet. . . . . .
And thats EvilStranger. Hes Evil, and a Stranger. Hes a Strange Stranger whos EVIL!
Moving on!
That there is the Mini-Refrigerator thats always stocked with cold beverages. That next to it is the snack cupboard. We have chips in there. DON”T TOUCH THE ANDY CAPP HOT FRIES! THEY’RE MINE!
The other Cupboard next to it is Fpooned. Hes a “Ninja” and is always hiding. I think. . .
Next to Fpooned is Veggie. I don’t know much about him. But I’m just gonna say hes “WIGGIDY!”
:: Points to self:: I’m Grimno. I’m Eccentric, crazy. If you’ve got a problem with that. . .
:: Pulls out Chainsaw::
Ok? K
Moving on again, we come to a charred mark on the forum’s ground. Thats the remains of Sirsolo. He was a mean blogger who got the “Ban Hammer” as he put it. Its still hot, here, have a smore, made it over the burning remains earlier! They’re good.
::Eats a smore::
And lastly we come to.
:: Dramatic Echo::
This is where the hussle and bussle of all the people I mentioned play around. As well as others whos names I forgot or am too lazy to put. Oh yeah, theres LazyDame. Lol.
You should remember the following about these “Threads” as well as posting a Blog on the page.
Don’t get involved in any flame wars . Cause Flame wars lead to violence. And usually results in some guy screaming “NOOB” more than is needed.
Talk & Blog about MMO-Related stuff . As the site reads, this is MMOtales. Not “SchoolTales” or “PickedFromMyBellyButtonTales”. We only care about stuff you did in MMORPGS. Of course, you CAN post some non-related things, in MMO-Related Blogs. But not that much. It HAS to be MMO Majority!
Don’t Spam . Mainly in Blogs. But people Spam all the time in threads. Usually after they said the important stuff.
Be nice! OR ELSE! ::Holds up the Chainsaw again::
Never post crude comments like, “This sucks, you suck” cause thats mean. Sirsolo did alot of that. And look at him now. M-m-m-m-m Toasty.
Don’t talk 1337 . I don’t know how to talk elite. But that doesn’t mean you should! Talking 1337 means only one thing.
Kittens will claw your face out. Cute yet painful
Type properly, legibly, don’t use short forms too often, and use paragraphs! Always post more than 2 sentances. NEVER post one liner blogs, unless theres a comic with it as well. People hate those and will always tell you so!
Don’t rant about hackers; we’ve had enough of blogs debating whether hackers are [*Negatives*] or not.
Don’t make popularity blogs . It doesn’t matter if anyways better than someone else. Look at me! I got mad at seeing people worshipped all around me. Not I’m worshipped too. As Quagmire off Family Guy says “Heh heh. Alllll right!”
Read the rules if in any doubt . Cause rules always make things better!
Don’t use foul language. Cussing gets people SUSPENDED! And it also makes you look bad.
::Looks at the charred mark:: Ain’t that right. . .
Blog about your ENTIRE MMO DAY not just a section . Cause it’d be boring to have 4 blogs about one day.
Do not start a flame war . Doing any of the above can cause one. If you dislike someone of MMOT, don’t say it. Just ignore the person.
Anything irrelevant to MMO can go in Profil3. Even though that site died. Poor Profil3. . .
That’ll be all, now go out there and BLOG! AND TALK IN FORUMS! BUT DON”T MAKE POINTLESS FORUMS!
OR ELSE ::Again with the chainsaw::
Oh and also, please be aware that the G.C.A. (Grimno’s Clone Army) is patrolling the site to make sure everything is A-OK!
Or else. And they don’t use chainsaws. They use ARTILLARY!
::Turns and theres a spotlight shining on Grimno::
I’d like to take this time to say that this is credited towards Annikabelle, who was the orginal MMOtales welcoming commitee.
My heart goes out to your generosity to inform the new blogger about their rights. Just like a cop.
This is my version of the welcome. Note that I used minious’s post, to base my off of. I just added more stuff. YAY STUFF!
~Grimno (The Eccentric One. And better than Dest1)
tele ftw.