I wrote these poems a few weeks ago, because of past experiences. I find these very true, real life and Maple.
Lorie After you broke up with Steven, you dun talk to me anymore. Seriously, youre pulling a Steven on me. Were you my friend just cause Im Stevens friend? Or that you felt bad for me? I miss talking to you, girl.
Nick You used to be so nice before, now all you do is brag and be ignorant and arrogant. Every time you log on, youre always talking about the talent you have and the girls you cheated on, that you have no time because you just have sooo much stuff to do with your buhjillion friends. The entire guild is always talking about your arrogance. You think youre so mature, but you arent. Divines falling apart right now. Its only me, Rhai, Litty, and a handful of others that keep this guild from collapsing. And even Christian is thinking of quitting. I miss the old you.
Aaru We never talk anymore, senpai. Im sorry about yesterday; I wasnt trying to ignore you or anything. Reading your blogs, it seems like you have more fun with your new friends. I guess we arent really the friends we used to be, ne?
Amela We used to be best friends, what happened? Im really sorry about the summer. I really regret doing that to you, and Im sorry. Please don’t blame Koko, it’s my fault. You said youll never hate me, and I want to believe that, but I know its not true. I dont even know if you deleted me off your BL or not. . .
That is something I will have to do. I must accept it. . . and move on.
The key is to let go. . . but never forget.
I feel the same way.
-=The Nazgul=-
Aww. Dun cry, Ganzicus.
It wasn’t that sad. . . right. . .
Well, that’s life. People come, people go. . .
*Reads blog and recognizes the names that were once the orange spam filling my chat box* T_T That truth poem is so true. Maybe you should move to Hawaii where the waters are clear and the sand is silky smooth. >.>
I spammed their names in your chat box?
lyk srsly?!@@@@
I dun wanna move to Hawaii. T-T
Omg, I’m so sorry Rya, it’s just that I’m so caught up and trying to sort myself out, I’m ignoring everybody, I’m so sorry, BUT RMB THIS WOMAN, I GOT YOUR BACK <3
That’s crazy.
It’s okay Lorie, I guess I over-reacted.
And what’s crazy, Darkwar4ever? o-O
– Rya
It’s amazing how the body is formed.
Although I counted the syllables and it didn’t work. ._.;;
Oh wells~
*has no idea what that dood up there is talking about*
Meh, oh well. >____<
How can you not understand when I explained perfectly that I said what I already said that I explained before? ._.;;
^^^ That’s like, 1st grader sentence!
((It doesn’t even make sense. :P))
Sorrie, I’m slow today.
Don’t yell at me! *shniffles*
First of all, I have no idea what body you’re talking about. And what syllables? And why are you even COUNTING syllables in the first place?
I think he’s talking about your poems, dude. *prods*
Shizzle. Losing friends suck.
*sobs quietly*
*turns into hysterical wailing*