This is my first blog here in MMOTales. It’s nice to meet you all and please address me as midnight. ^^
Recently, I’ve had some good experience (perhaps this should go to the good experience category) with some Maple players. Please note that this post is LONG
Let’s start with GreatGerber and his cleric friend who I forgot his IGN. I was training on Dirty Ratz (like I shouldn’t) and I was on the 4th floor of Ludi tower, discovering a place where I would stand on a screw and hit the rats that spawned on a platform right next to me, therefore allowing me to hit them without the risk of getting hurt. After jumping around channels looking for the rats on those platforms, I eventually went through all 20 channels. Then I found GreatGerber, who was training on Golems. I started killing those rats and he continued to kill the Golems. After nearly 15 minutes, we remained at peace, when some people would immediately switch channels upon my arrival when I have NO intention of killing the Golems. I thanked him for killing the spawn and our training went on. Then his cleric friend came along and started sharing the map, again without touching the rats I was killing ONCE. Not even when he fell onto the platform from the Golems’ push.
The next day, I tracked GreatGerber and trained at the same map, letting him kill the spawn of Golems to allow the Dirty Ratz to appear. Just before he left, he asked, “I’m going to repot, want some?” Now, I have to say, I was extremely happy he asked. With all the “hacked Zakum in Broa” and “Hackers” going on, a person who simply asked if I needed potions truly struck me. I kindly rejected and went on with my training, and then, he logged off.
Next two, are two members of my guild. I have to say, out of all 3 guild I’ve been to, with two that kicked me out for foolish reasons, this guild I really love. First is LunaYoshi, one of the ViceCapt. of our guild. She (who I believe in real life is a he ._.;) knew I was looking to buy a Korean Fan with my approach of lv35 (I was 34 then) and promised me a free one once she was done with training. After a couple days, she calls me over to the Free Market, requests a trade, and gives me a clean Korean Fan. I was perfectly happy with a clean one. the fact that she was willing to give me a FREE Korean Fan made me really happy. Although some of you generous players may think “Oh, I would do that”, but this still touched me deeply.
Next, is Merlina, who is probably the first person who actually made a conversation with me. First, she gave me 150 (or was it 50 xP) mana elixir pills, right when I was freaking about not having enough money to power train. I thank her dearly. Then, when I was stuck at 82% with the dreaded thought of needing to train, I saw her shout of “I’m booored” in our guild chat. I jokingly said “train me?” and she said okay. I headed over to Chronos and my computer DIES on me. Yes, the blue screen jumps out and BAM down goes my computer. So I restarted and game guard refuses to connect, I restart AGAIN and game guard remained an idiot. So after RESTARTING for another 4 times while talking to my aunt who’s on the phone using the speaker, game guard FINALLY connects. Then I find her at Chronos, AFK, so I kill my first ever Chronos and it drops…no not an esther shield (I wish xP) but the Maple History Book III. Yay? Yay. Then…on my second kill…yes, my computer FREEZES. I wanted to split this computer in half right then and there but I didn’t and simply forced my computer to restart. I return safely to Maple and Merlina returns. So we partied and off she goes on the map, heal after heal after heal. I watch my EXP go up and looted after her. Then my annoying mom(Asian) comes along and yells at me to get off, saying I’ve been on too long, too often, too many times, etc. The usual rant. Apparently parents wanted me to get off to buy CAKE! ><” Whatever, so I ignore them for a bit and eventually, parents couldn’t stand it and I had to ask “do you mind if I go buy CAKE at 95%?” and her reply was not an annoying answer but a flat and simple “okay”. So I leave for the all too sweet cake BLEH and come back leveled and exp still going up at 4%. I was in tears of joy!!! (not literally) I put on my new armour, the whole set except the gloves, and famed her. All I could say was I love her!!!! S2~ I famed her and logged off, since mom was still glaring her eyes out.
Now, I have to explain why I placed this post in the “Thoughts” type, because I believe, that through all those evil people who hack, the flamers, complainers, rude and immature people, scammers, and all that jazz. I BELIEVE (Martin Luther King style) that there is still goodness in the players of MapleStory, there are always people who is willing to lend a hand, give you a smile, and show support.
I thanks those players I mentioned above with my heart and ask that you do not bother them in anyway.
Happy Mapling to all.
cool. (post too short)
It’s short? o.o?
nice story btw! i miss those old days. MS is poisonious!
Martin Luther King style!
I actually read the whole thing XD Hey! You’re in Broa!? I’m in Broa too! ^^
There are many good nice people in maple especially Broa!
ahaha, cake XD
~Welcome to MMOtales ^^~
– VanillaPocki –
Vanilla actually no I’m not ^^” I’m in Scania, just happens that there are a lot of forums about the Zakum.
It’s nice to read. Only, you could use some paragraphing, ><
I agree with Silver, but that did bring a nice breath of fresh air into my day. After hearing all the ‘My day sucked’ and ‘I was scammed/hacked’, it’s lovely to see people being nice to each other.
Welcome to the Dark Army. I mean, MMOT. Oh well, same thing. I hope to see some more of your (YAY LITERATE) blogs in the near future. ^^
No, not that. It’s just that, if you try to say like 1 word as a comment, it says your comment’s too short, and doesn’t let you post it. So she lengthened her post by saying (post too short).
And if it’s MLK style, isn’t it “I have a dream”? xD
Oh and something to clarify because everyone thinks I’m female (I don’t blame you, my IGN is kinda feminine). But I’m . Ok?
Oh and what was that about the Dark Army?
*locks Indescane in closet for letting secret slip* ^^
Wow, how awesome for you! I’m glad that you met them and made good friends like that. Like others have said, it’s always nice to hear about the good things in MS. (^__^)
Nuu! Aww, 2 bad you’re in Scania! I play in Broa! ~_<
I’m glad you guys enjoyed this <3 Hope you guys will meet nice people like that, too! S2~
And say Hi if you’re in Scania .3.!
ya! ia m in scania, lok for sellsword in awua or tzxxxninja in ludi if you every want to pq so welcome to mmotales and happy mapling!
Again I say, Hackers are NOT evil. I can start a whole disscusion with you about this and you would end up losing