
I remember I asked one of my best friends to play with me in Broa because she quit in Scania (and pretty much the whole game). Well she did create an account with me (and this is when I came back from my hiatus to create Metrolink), and we leveled a few days together. And then she heads off to band camp and after her return, she quit. I felt a bit bad for some odd reason (this happened about two months later) so I told her I’d make an account for her if she’d come back. She hesitated and said, I’d be ahead of her but I agreed to make that account and level it up to the same level as my character, Metrolink. She agreed but I wasn’t so sure because I was afraid that she would quit again so I asked if she would promise to at least stay for a bit. She said yes.

So I spent around 2 months leveling this character, my archer, NatoriMaiko. It was a pain since I pretty much leveled up to 50 by myself because my friends didn’t want to bother helping me (because they were too high of a level for me). So after this character caught up, I told my friend and she came on but left in 15 minutes. She didn’t head back online until a month and a half later and stayed for five minutes. Right now, I can count how many times and minutes she’s been on it and it’s been 3 times and a total of 25 minutes. I also put some NX cash on it and she spent it on stuff she wanted (and I said she could) but now it’s all going to waste. I can’t really blame her because it was my fault for getting excited over this situation by creating a whole new character. You would think creating a new character would be fun and all but if you’re going to do it for a [stupid] reason like mine, you shouldn’t.

Also, she does not go to school with me but lives in a neighboring city. I only communicate with her online and through the phone and I felt that MapleStory would be a better way of communicating but now, I really regret doing this since it wasted my time, it was pointless, wasted a bit of my money, and the whole experience was painful…

Currently playing: The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves.