Ello people and here is MeepsterXP with a hacking update. All demi hacks have died. Yes we now DO NOT HAVE any full map hitting KSers. Go look yourself! One can train properly now without being KSed!! Demi vac and all the other type of vac hacks have been pathced forever. Use it? Auto dis-connect. How do I know? I read hacker fourms. “Pro” hackers or people who know how to make hacks said that demi and all the other vacs have been patched forever. I tried myself, patched forever =]. Yes I try out hacks, 1 time and 1 time only. So, LEGITS GO OUT THERE AND TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN BEFORE HACKERS COME UP WITH SOME NEW DEFORMED VAC HACK!!!
9 thoughts on “Pssh Hackers no more?”
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Yes! Bye hackers
Huzzah .
Now to conquer the lag .
Lag? That’s your computers fault.

Beat it up or simply buy a new one.
Lol. Hackers just got Pwnted so bad.
At last, the scourge of hackers has been lifted! Somewhat at least. Huzzah!
if only u can play maplestory without needing the internet o.o
woot! No hackers, even if its just for a while
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but at Zombies yesterday, a priest came in, stayed on the safe platform that you can get to through the warps, vacced all of the zombies to the warp, and killed them all. And continued to do so for the next hour and a half, at which point he reset his timer and did it again. They’ve already found bypasses. Sorry, but that’s the truth.
Hackers are still around. It’s just that most hacks have become patched. Some people are smart enough to bypass, but for now, only a few have. Don’t count your hackers before they spawn.