
Title=What I had for breakfast today.

Prettyfly by The Offspring

“GIVE IT TO ME BABY, UH HUH UH HUH, GIVE IT TO ME BABY, UH HUH UH HUH, GIVE IT TO ME BABY UH HUH UH HUH, and all the girls say i’m a pretty fly for a…”

Yeah Sorry I love that song and I started spamming it on my BL. Then my buddy list started to sing ._.

Anyways I was GRINDING, grinding, and grinding, and GAYYY wait ._. NO NO NO I R NOT GAY D: It’s from a song
“I feel pretty, I feel pretty, I feel pretty, and witty and GAYYY” Yeah D: It’s from that song I’M NOT GAY STOP IT ;_; I REJECT ALL YOU GUYS.

“90% of all gay relationships start with a hand on the shoulder.”
“37% of al stastics are made up”
Ha! Wait what?

Anyways I was grinding from level 33-35 yesterday. Yes it was a school night, no I only spent 1 hour 30 minutes training, yes I hated it, no I am not gay.

So those freaking teddy bears. URHGH… That annoying dying teddy bear sound… THAT F***ING SOUND CAN GO ROT IN HELL SAFJADJKSFNJKSNF AUGHHHH… (Killed over 2000 of them) *twitch*… I’m never doing that again. I trained and trained and trained, my god it was hell. I died twice, one because I was in a trade discussing the price of a 14 luk suana, and 2nd my dad called. I continued on, found the level 30 thief gear top and bottom and 2 moutain cross bows. Nothing good yeah. I did my first ludi PQ in 15 minutes (No smuggle or anything). We did it in record time. I rap’ed someone on the 4th stage (stage with dark rooms). There were 2 girls… I was in there also >_>.. A guy does what a guy does… 5th stage, I was the only thief, so HA EAT THAT YOU ARCHERS MAGE WARRIOR THINGS.

I trained for 59% level 33 to level 35, 34%.

End blog

Click the I like button and i’ll give you a nice warm hug.

12 thoughts on “Milk+Cereal+Apples?”

  1. One time i had harvest crunch with strawberries in apple juice XD.
    it was actually pretty good.

  2. Where’s my nice warm hug from those BIG, MUSCULAR, HOTTTTT ARMS?
    Yeah. . .
    I DEMAND A REFUND.@@@@@@@

  3. MeepsterXP said: “Nothing good yeah. I did my first ludi PQ in 15 minutes (No smuggle or anything). We did it in record time. I rap’ed someone on the 4th stage (stage with dark rooms). There were 2 girls, I was in there also >_>, A guy does what a guy does,

    Roflol. GET TO 40 YOU MOTHA @!#$@! !@#!@$@! (<—- total spazzams)


    P.S. – I did not just type that. . .

  4. MasterCheeze said: “My locker-buddy ass-raped me with his binder. At least it wasn’t a ruler though. :3”

    Is bondage the word?

    Uhh. . I think we’re getting a little too perverted in MMO >_>

  5. Quack said: “

    MasterCheeze said: “My locker-buddy ass-raped me with his binder. At least it wasn’t a ruler though. :3”

    Is bondage the word?

    Uhh. . I think we’re getting a little too perverted in MMO >_>”

    Ahaha. Aaron’s the perverted-est guy on my buddylist on Maplestory. x)

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