The story was inspired by maple academy and Raven story
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The school was amazing on the inside. Newly painted white walls, lockers that can fit almost all equipment a student had, separate sections in the lockers to put different objects in. I walked into the main office which had a glass doorway, to get my schedule. The sectary was an archer. The archer was highly organized and had a marine raven lying next to it.
Hello, my name is Aaron, Aaron Takahashi. I am here for my schedule for this year. I said in a polite manner.
Aaron Takahashi, right? The archer asked to confirm
I replied with no emotion. The archer was flipping though papers in her files at super sonic speed. I could barely keep up.
Ahh… here you are. Said the archer holding a piece of paper to me. Attached to it was a dragon toenail.
Whats this dragon toenail here for?
Its a present from us.
I left without thinking.
My schedule:
Homeroom, Room 101
1st period: Combat training Room 302
2nd period: Math, Room 107
3rd period: History, Room 487
4th period: Field training, outside.
5th period: Science, Room 137
6th period: Technology, Building 2 Room 1.
I sighed and went to homeroom. The room was newly painted white like the hallways; there were around 40 one person desks. There was a giant desk in the front of the room. There were a couple computers in long tables at the edges of the room. The teacher was also an archer. He was in the level 9x Ranger. Almost all the seats were taken. I took the seat directly in the middle. I felt all stares at me. I shivered.
Alright class, I want you to fill up this piece of paper before you leave. The teacher said in a happy voice handing out green pieces of paper. I filled it out. It was simple questions like, How old are u? What is your name? What job are you? What level are you? What do you like to do for fun? And etc. I filled it all in without thinking or knowing what I wrote. The bell rang and everyone put their papers at the front desk. I was the last to put mine in.
Hi! I heard a voice from behind me. It surprised me and I nearly jumped. I turned around to see a beautiful girl behind me.
I said in a shy voice.
So, your new here right? the girl asked.
Mine names Shina! Whats yours?
Cool! See ya later.
Then she left. I hurried on to my next class thinking about Shina.
Please dont flame me. Tell me what to improve on. Thank you ^_^!!
Read MeepsterXP’s other blogs.
lol so many stories abotu schoolxD
anbuninja started it all. Too bad he quit T.T
aaron make the classes maple related
Lol no offense but isn’t Takahashi from an anime show? I Know i’ve heard it somewhere before!
more like i went on google “Common japanese names” and found it.