I’m here to rant about the idiots of Kerning PQ. I seem to be a famous track in Scania now, I know a lot of people from the famous “KernCityPQ” guild, and I get in a lot. Whenever I get into a channel now people all go “ccplz D:<.” But Ignore them. Easy as fudge cookies.
Looking for PQ@@@@@@@@@
I invite them and they as for track. No track? Guess what, your on your own.
When I DO GET A TRACK AND A PARTY, someone always fu**s up and goes to the pot shop. I miss on an empty channel, I get called a noob, “what leader u suckz lolol”, “I’m better then you noob.” and all that crap. Also in Kerning City PQ, what’s this about “Auto clickers?” Auto clicker= Third party program=Can result in a ban (KerningXPqer my friend Jake was banned for using an auto clicker). I tell them track, next thing they ask, “GOTZ AC LOLZ?” I say no. Guess what, “so and so left party.” I see them in channel 1, “Looking for PQ I gotz trackz!! LOLOL I stole it” (stole it part wasn’t in there.) That gets me more pissed off. While your clicking on bonus there like seriously spammy. BONUS BONUS CLICK BONUS CLICK LEADEAR CLICK x 100000. Seriously, they lag me and we miss. I tell them to shut up, BAM all of them leave party. MY FREAKING GOSH.
The only aweosme time I have good Kerning PQ’s is with my perma PQ friends. We own, we do PQ’s in 4 minutes average, most of us are level 30, we never whine or complain.
Inside the PQ.
I swear, I usually invite level 27+ so they can fight for themselves. Guess what? “LEADER HLP PLZ.” So I go in and waste my pots and fight for them while there lazy asses are down there. One time I got 82 coupons just for my party ==. They were all level 25+ also. I know in my recent blog “What the page?” You saw my 1.2k damage. I can RARELY 1 hit those ligators in the swamp for Kerning City PQ. I just like to brag :].
Second stage
First part is A OK…. Then comes “What happens after the first wrong?” A guy jumps up, the guy on top goes to that same rope, other guy goes back down, the guy goes back to the other top rope. Repeat for 5 minutes. I tell that guy stay on top. CLEAR!
3rd stage.
123 simple enough? 124 Good. 125 !
523… what? Then the guy stays on 5, goes on 4, and not his freaking number. He refuses to get off. 12 minutes in the PQ average just to get to stage 4. Stage 4 same thing as stage 3 expct it tales a little longer. I usually tell the guy who screws up to get off and I go on myself. Last stage, my party members all hog for nekis and don’t bother to touch king slime or the evil eyes. Guess who mops up that mess? that’s right ME, THE FREAKING LEADER. Augh End rant.
Hmph. Ludi PQ is that x a gabizillion more frustrating. :/
I led in Pq today.
I was fine in the ‘clicking to get in’ part.
Randomname has left the party.
Tehparty then comes out, and we miss. >__>
EMS sucks. ;_;
I know how you feel. But Silver is right. Ludi PQ is MUCH more frustrating. I was clicking, and this other party came in. Guess what my other party members said? “cc plz”
And I counteracted the “Got AC” problem. Just tell them you have AC, even though you don’t. A little lying never harmed anyone, did it?
Hey, me too.
This is what I wrote:
Well it’s about the level 21~30 general community.
How the hell did people get so rude these days.
I usually lead in PQs, Orbis one’s, Ludibrium one’s, heck, probably even the Pirate one’s when it comes out; always do, since I get in a lot, but in KPQ. . . that’s a different story. I tried leading, and boy, the first impression I got sucked.
Scenario #1 — Attempt to gather a party.
-50% of the people saying: “L>PQ, JOINING PQ@@@” are already in a party, and no matter if you spam them, they don’t realize it.
-90% of the people you are inviting, and you’re level 23 and minus, leaves your party instantly, making it impossible to find a decent party. (they don’t realize that I can rush 19 times in a row even in KPQ, I tried, oh well, too bad for them. =] )
My luck just sucks.
Scenario #2 — gathered a party, doesn’t have a track.
– The party just stays in one channel, and doesn’t even TRY looking for a track.
“Oh well, let’s just blind HC in this channel shall we?. . .”
. . .
“[Partymember1 has left the party]”
“[Partymember2 has left the party]”
“[Partymember 3 has not left the party since he’s in CS]”
@*$%. . .
Scenario #3 — After gathering a party, and got a person that actually HAS track.
-Other 2 people are constantly spazzing, “TRACK@@@?” when the person that has it doesn’t give it out.
I think it’s just me, and somehow that badass luck just *CLINGS* on to me, a lot of times, someone DCs, OR, they’re in CS.
I’m always constantly switching channels, from 1 to x, to replace someone. It just pisses me off, since you never get that in OPQ nor LPQ, (well, not that much anyway).
Well, that’s sort of the end since I got a dozen more scenarios but they don’t really matter.
When I do get in though, I stay in until I have to leave or DC (which is quite often). However, the people are “okay” during the PQ, unless their complete idiots that can’t follow instructions. . . which also happens a lot. ;_;
-Ludibrium is better, compared to KPQ. . . normally, the level 40+ has some respect, and do not leave like the wind. I’d say KPQ is the worst. OPQ is barely done these days. . . and PPQ didn’t come out yet. XD
Oh and, if you ONLY HC, it’s a bit hard to get in. Sad, but there are lots of people that currently has this: “MzBot” that has a lame autoclicker (if you don’t know how to use it
), but can become a [100 clicks per second] AC too, So you’re truly at a disadvantage. I don’t think they installed clicking checks yet, so I doubt he got banned for *only* using AC.
Do you have to leave the “KernCityPQ” guild if you get to level 31? D:
I was a kinda popular track for OPQ, but I haven’t done it in a while. I might get popular again since everyone quit after the GPQ was patched.
Yea, Ludi is much more frustrating. I never really had a hard time with Kerning to be honest, you just seem to be unlucky. Or I’m just lucky. Meh, who cares.
You’re lucky, since we both have the same problems. >=O
*waves banner: Vicelin is rejected. D:*
Wow, I feel for you. I remember back when I was 2x-30. Everyone was so friendly and MATURE. Your average mapler is a 6-7 year old with NO RESPECT for others whatsoever. Since I’m lvl 52 at the moment, life isn’t very hard. oPQ is mostly empty, due to glitch being patched, which leaves fulling and rushing. Not many people do either of them, though rush can be considerably good exp at a fast rate if your able to get a empty channel and smuggler in your party to get the exp from storage (Me ^^). Now to talk about AC’s. Most AC’s are patched. Your average level 21-30 is too much of a friggen’ noob to know that, that’s why they keep leaving. The only thing left is to learn to click like a AC. I learned how to from my friend, so just to help you, try vibrating your finger on the mouse. It takes some time to learn, but with practise you vibrate click should rival an AC. Mmmm, before I leave, let me share a scenario that happened to me a while ago on my now level 32 I/L which I have abondoned.
Anima = Me
Party leader = PL
-Stage 4-
So I’m first to get to the platforms so I take 3 naturally because I can move to the next barell before the “Wrong” disapears.
PL : Get off.
Me : Why? I was here first noob.
PL : I’m reporting you for harrassment.
*Is reported for no good reason whatsoever*
I was also kicked from the party at this point.
==End Scenario==
Can you believe what these little kids do?
Where did the respectfull, considerate, friendly, MATURE community of global go?
I would’ve thought that 6-7 year olds were too stupid to play Maple.
Most of the immature people are teenagers, believe it or not. Adolescence does strange things to people. O.O
No, the little kids aren’t to blame. Usually they’re just annoying and asking questions all the time, but hey, as long as they don’t irritate the hell out of me, I’m fine. Usually its the teenagers because they think they’re all that. I don’t know WHY they think they’re better, because they’re not. Oh well, they’ll learn in due time, that not everything is handed out to them for free and ordering people to do things will get them beat up. [Or fired]
I usually lead KPQ’s after I get a track. I don’t usually care which way, but I’d like a decent party at least. I used to party ALL the time in LPQ. I was patient. Half the time I was doing my homework while waiting. It was fun, or at least what I remember of it. Just the waiting sucked. KPQ on my main? Pfft I only did it like 2 times because I didn’t know what KPQ was. I KPQ all my chars [if I feel like it] from level 21-31 usually. It’s getting harder though because of all the crap I had to take.
One time I was leading and this stupid [usually I do not say this] noob, during the first stage, kept dropping the pass on top of the portal, and I’d have to go all the way UP the map then drop DOWN and get it. I kept on rushing though. Until my friend had to leave. Then we invited the “noob’s” friend. WHICH HAD THE SAME IGN just the L was an I and such. They did the same thing. So I got fed up. I just sat there for 15 minutes waiting for them as they jumped around with the pass somewhere which would take a while to get. One time the pass disappeared. I laughed and said go out of the pq. Wait for us outside because you’re too full of yourself and you think other people can do whatever you want them to do because we’re you’re little pets. Oh yeah, did I mention that the friend of the “noob” came to me after I stopped KPQing and was just hanging out in the KPQ area, and said, “Hey wanna buddy?” I stood looking like I was afking [hah but I was venting it out on my bl] And then after a while, she comes back and says, “Buddy me! You B****.” Of course not so perfectly spelled, but I was already ready to defame the hell out of the “noob”, but when she said that, I went on all my mules [that I had, now I have more from my friends’ accounts] and defamed her until it was in the negatives. Yeah. Don’t mess with me when I’m pissed.
My CB friend was in my party, and he was on his girl char [he just wanted to make a girl account] and he was so pissed over the other two guys that was in my party because they kept insulting him because he didn’t know how to KPQ a lot and he was level 30. Seriously, he never PQed in any of his chars, so yeah. He was so pissed he logged off in the middle of the PQ and logged on his main. He whispered me and said, “I can’t take it anymore. You can tell the other party people that they can kiss my level 105 CB’s ass.” [As written in my last blog] I can see why he never PQs, but I kind of feel sad that I made him angry because I picked the party people, and usually I get good people. .
This lvl 27 sin called me a noob.
I got him bad with my DK
And defamed the poopys out of him.