i’mma pwn iElmo D:<

Hey what’s up MMOTales? I’m here to brag :].

You read in iElmo’s recent blog about his scrolling adventures… I CAN SO TOTALLY PWN THAT >_>… WATCH ME

How DexyPikachu started out… unfunded… Yes as in NONE OF MY CHARACTERS funded me.

I saw as smega : Quitting, 10 mesos w/e.

I was in the FM already and I, with my lightning speed (lol +2 speed) went up into 18 and got in the store. My my? It was all 10 mesos each! Scrolls, weapons, capes, etc. I got me a handful… 20M of a handful! (Sold it all cheap and quick so I can get my hands on mesos). I decided to take a little visit to Jipang (Zipingu as you stupid Globalers call it… >_> Nevermind) This guy was gaching o: He was saying what he got. Once he said “ONG I GOTSZ PINK CPE” I traded him. 4 attack clean… Awesome….. I put up 20M and he traded. I traded immedately. 90MILLION PROFIT, EAT THAT iElmo@@@@@@ D:<

I soon began to use the infamous basil to buy and resell things in the FM. I bought and bought and bought, sold for higher and kept going.

Soon enough I am now equiped with these awesome items

19 dex sauna robe (27million)
35 attack kandayo (13.5million)
7 dex snow shoes (10million)
8 attack work glove (7 million)
10 dex earrings (40million)
8 dex cape (7 million)

plus an additional 90 million after merchanting a fudge crackers load.


For all those who do not believe me?

MisterMudkip Scania…I’ll show you. ;]

15 thoughts on “i’mma pwn iElmo D:<”

  1. Actually, we stupid Globalers call it Zipangu.

    I’d counter-brag, but it’s extremely difficult since archer stuff costs a fraction of the stuff that you usually see assassins jumping around in.

  2. iElmo said: “Btw, I think I can get more with my 20 int bandana :]
    C/O 130mil”


  3. iElmo said: “I’m not funded

    How’d you get the money to even began scrolling any whoo?

  4. Lawl.

    My mage stuff is all cheap and unscrolled, ‘cept for my Thorns. Since I don’t really do anything, I never make much money so I only scroll with what I find or get from quests/friends/etc. It’s quite amusing actually. XD

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