1) Have okay internet (dont lead with dial up ._.;;)
2) Have an awesome autoclicker or use ur premade autoclicker (ur hand)
3) Once u get in help out ur teammates.
Stage 1: Yay you got in! Ur teammates are happy and ur proud :D!!! well either be lazy sit back and make ur teammates work or u help and be a part of the team! kill mice from bottom to top. It helps if u help kill and the person closes takes the passes. In the end u get all of them quicker.
Stage 2: Whew.. we owned mice! Now for stage 2! Either 1-2 members go in the portal. In the party chat ususally someone says “GO GO GO” thats when you go in! There alot of boxes. Hit them with normal attack. no throw stars or magic claw it. normal attack. Collect the passes and wait for ur teamates to give the rest to u.
Stage 3: Yea we owned boxes! woot! Now for the hard part. We have to fight oct blocks?!?! Yup. There are a lot of boxes. Once again normal attack them and prepare for 3 oct blocks to come out. Kill them. all of them drop passes. Collect the passes and get the rest from the teammates who pwned the octys
Stage 4: Wow. U just owned the heck out of oct blocks! arent u proud? :D!!! WELL the nex stage is scary. There are 5 portals. The most bottom and most top are nothing. Top 3 are weak against magic. Mages fight there. Bottom 2 are weak against phsyical. Thiefs, archers, warriors fight there. Attack when the dark monsters eyes are open.
Stage 5: Wow u beat the dark monster of the dark. Now are u afraid of the dark? Well i am (a little) haha XD
Now this stage teleport and darksight is a must need. Most bottom portal is dark block golems. If ur an idiot go ahead and kill urself. If not use dark sight while walking though them. The most top portal is the teleport one. Teleport up and yay ur in (i never did this portal so i dont know whats inside) Basiclly jumps climb the ladder and jump on the platform where the boxes are (middle portals) once again dont use magic claw on it. Use ice beam! jk jk normal attack it.
Stage 6: boxes with numbers? Press up where the boxes are in this order!
133 221 333 123 111
Stage 7: Rombot… there are 3 monsters on top. Either have a sin or an archer own it. One at a time or a banditor fighter or mage has to kill them all at once (sins and archers no offence u cant fight all those monsters at once. Unless u like punching.) Collect the 3 passes and woot ur on the 8th stage
Stage 8: okay stage before the boss. People go !@#$ on this one. So keep clam and have an organized team. Jump in order (try the thing u did for stage 4 in kerning PQ execpt with 5 people) eventually it will work out (for me average is 3 minutes. I’m Just lucky :])
Crack in the wall: Okay theres a black micey. Kill it pass will fall and a box will open. cool ASHILER IS SUMMONED!!! Mages note: Fire/ice/Lightning/poison/holy is weak against ashlier. This is the time to show off ur magic claw! Clerics are recommned to spam heal.
Bonus: You beat ashiler. You are teleported into a map where there are boxes! kill the boxes! get prizes! YAY :D!
This is my PQ guide. Flame it if u wish i dont care. Its a simple guide. Use or dont. I dont mind. Its just a little helper
i thought it was a guide to become a good Ludi Leader. . .
good work.
But i liked the encouragement and enthusiasm you showed in this blog
now give me the guide to become a good Ludi Leader! >:D
– VanillaPocki –
Lol if ur a hp power guard fighter or page, feel free to go ahead and kill the king block golems. (Refer to YoMomma’s blog)
PS: NOOO! As a fire wizard, magic claw sucks! Don’t remind me of aqua road please! I don’t wanna be a ‘healess cleric’! NOOO I HATE ALISHAR. I’ma gonna train my dit to 50 and spam sb. (I think they’re the highest hitting at Alishar)