Woo first day of double EXP. I totally rocked -sparkly eyes-. Level 48-50. My milestone. I finally reached 50 <3.
In a cave before some retarded, fat, orange fish, where bats rule the area, one has the power… to… KILL THEM ALL@@@@@@@
With a Kandayo in his hand with only a small amount of stars left, at 98%. He begins chucking the stars recklessly, jumping, spinning, and tripping. He killed a couple more and could feel the experience points gain. Suddenly, a mysterious light pops up from the ground and surrounds him. He looks up, in bold green letters, Level Up.
2nd day.
I leveled up to 52. I did another 2 level, then eff it thing. Training at the endless flyeyes, getting raped ocassaionally (not that way. I only do that with girls). After I got to 51, 71% I decided to buy a Zakum helmet. link
Yes I bought it from ReVeng. I went to train with my friends a wraiths, and boom level up 52 =P I went to APQ after that and got 2 oynx apples =D. Sold them both for 1.2million each. link (:
Day 3
Leveled up to 53, and halted training until receiveing my Zakum Helmet. Which, I DID =D..
Day 4
I leveled to 54, first level up using my spiffy helmet =P.
Day 5
Slacked off, didn’t do anything v_v
You’re a maplestory addict.
You snake nerd. I want a ZHelm.