Guess what? I leveled to 48 (:!
Wait didn’t I say that in my last blog? WELL THAT DOESN’T COUNT D:< -slaps all of you-
This shall be my real blog i’ve written in a while, in my 2nd period class (DUDE THEY FRIGGIN BANNED MMOTALES. Good thing I know a bunch of proxy servers x].)
Anyways this past week has been litterally PQ nation. 30% uncompleted. I usually lead but there are those period of times where I can’t find the right members and an ass hat of a couple members leave party before I almost formed a full party.
Getting in a PQ:
*Dramatic Music*
*Cracker stage… Crack on a wall stage*
*/find (insert track here)
*/find (insert track here)
*Members: B
*Starts clicking
*Gets in on 10 second mark
*Dramatic music ends.
I dub that “epic.”
A “normal” MisterMudkip PQ.
Anywho, I like creating this “all girl” parties (mostly consisting of friends). It’s acutally quite fun, though they go “YOU PERVERT” once they notice it’s an all girl party but me o: . But girls do a better job then most guys O_o… (MOST GUYS MAN MOST DOESN’T MEAN YOU… Maybe..)
During 2nd stage, My best friend forever (HydroPuffs) and I like to trick our party members. So instead of fully hitting the 2nd box, we say go. After all our party members come in, we hit the box. OH NOES, everyone went in the trap x3…
3rd stage, I love KSing. It’s fun.
Me: -does 3.5k damage-
Archer: AY *does 1k damage*
Me: Your the same level as me…
Archer: SHUT UP
Me: Kay >_>
4th stage… Dark rooms… girls >_>… LOLOLOL YOU SICK PERVERTS.
No I don’t do that. I don’t even do stage 4 O_o. GO MY FEMALE MINIONS, DO A STAGE FOR ME!!!.
Yeah it’s done, I get the passes we move on.
Stage 5 is when I blabber a lot. I tell them stupid stories and crap. Mostly perverted stories. Most of them go “O_O…” Or “I’m scared” or “whatUX?!?! U DID DAT!?”
Stage 6.
WE JUMP 133 221 123 333 111…I think >_>
Stage 7
Mostly ranged party… Summons all… Golem hell..
Archer: DUDE whatUX
Me: SPARTANS@@@@@@@
HydroPuffs: You know i’ll just be up there ._.
Wifey: D:
Cleric: -Spams heal-
-5 minutes later-
Epic win, I get the most EXP. Suck it (:
Stage 8. lots of talking. Usually takes like 10 minutes to complete x3.
Crack stage
We kill and the females go
“Oh so fast”
“xxx EXP”
“1k EXP”
Me: 1.7k EXP (F3)
“You suck”
“Leader sucks =(“
Me: ._.;;
Then we bonus rush, repeat.
LOLOL fun PQs. yet most of them suck because guys ruin it.
Sounds like a lot I’ve done.
lol@female minions
I hardly ever LPQed.
And most of my friends are guys o.o;; so liek, you’re teh opposite of me. Lulz.
Yeah almost all my friends on MS are guys.
Sounds like a lot I’ve done.
lol@female minions
I’m gonna say it again! I slept with you (:
Sounds like a lot I’ve done.
lol@female minions
I’m gonna say it again! I slept with you (:”
You like saying that, huh? :p
Sounds like a lot I’ve done.
lol@female minions
I’m gonna say it again! I slept with you (:”
You like saying that, huh? :p”
Can we do it again?
Sounds like a lot I’ve done.
lol@female minions
I’m gonna say it again! I slept with you (:”
You like saying that, huh? :p”
Can we do it again?”
Well, you certainly can’t go about asking here. o.O;;
How the hell does your school ban MMOTales but not proxies?
I thought websense was a bish (at least i could find proxies that beat it)
8e6 technolgies is freakin’ impossible
i found my first proxy after like 50 years of searching and it sucks because when i try to go to the site usuing the proxy 8e6 bans the site that the proxy is anonymizing
can that even happen?!
All this i did for some tetris
it calms me
luckily i found someones very basic private page of a java based tetris
so that helped loads
Lol, never LPQed before, it sounds like fun,