Well, folks. Once again you have fallen into one of my traps! Panda bears aren’t going extinct! Wait a second they are endangered. Well, enough of panda bears. They do deserve recognition those cute little buggers, but this is a blog to talk about FlyFF; not bears! There might be some mentioning of ducks and cats. They’re pretty cool, but this isn’t the place for bears or rabbits. No rabbits or bears. None at all…
… they’re different sizes o_O (Edit: they’re not different sizes when I submitted the blog, but when I typed them they are… strange)
What have I gotten accomplished today? Well, besides a few levels, I got some major chicken feed. For those of you who don’t know what that means, well I’m not going to tell you. You’ll have to learn my lingo on you’re own time.
I started the day at level 22? That sounds about right. I did some major training over the day. Much training was done. That training there, it was done and there was a lot of it. A lot was done, and most of it was training. Most of what I did was training, and there was a lot of it.
I do reckon I trained by myself at the beginning. Oh yes, I was close to level 23 when I started. I trained to that level by myself. As I mentioned, there was a lot of training this day. I then headed to the Pumpkin Kingdom and slayed their soldiers with Kevin. There was some darthflame guy there, but he was an idiot. I should’nt even be mentioning that idiot, being the idiot he is. That idiot idiotically being an idiot.
I think I leveled to 24 and Kevin had to go. Kevin isn’t his real name, but I don’t bother remembering his actual name. I then trained like a good % at the mutant cats back in that there cave over yonder. I made a new friend there, but he’s kinda dumb too. I’ve talked about cats now (like I mentioned before) but there hasn’t been a mentioning of ducks… Well, I guess saying the word duck is good enough. I take my baths with my rubber duck Herbert. There, that’s enough recognition for them.
Enough of this pondershosh! I side-track once again and I stray from the main point! I can’t even remember what I was talking about! Well, I’ll just end the MMO-related part of the blog for now. I ended the day with some decent chicken-scratch (I’m still not telling you what that means for those of you who don’t know) by selling some random crap I picked up. I set the Item thing in the party menu to Manual so I’d get all the stuff. xD And I also ended the day at level 25 with about 30%.
I’d say today was very fufilling, but alas I am tired. I may make a comic before I go to bed, but I thought I’d try something new. Dest1 is always having guest appearences in his story, perhaps I could do the same with ma comic series? Anyone who wanted to be in it could just PM me with a link or something to the picture of the character they want shown. Remeber, it’s a Maple comic so Maple characters only. I won’t portray your character in too much of a bad way, so no worries.
Well gentlemen, I hope you learned something from this blog. Now get off your ass and do some work for a change. jk jk u can sit here and read this all you want.
Zcool!!! I forgot I have pictures!!! We can’t end this blog without some pictures! Also, I said I’d put something about SamomoPower (a fellow MMO’er) in my blog. Enjoy ^_~
Picture 1:This is of me and Samomo exploring this one cave near that there desert over by the place with the plants. You should know what I’m talking about. He said there was some strong monster there that he wanted to show me. I think it was a plot to get me killed. -_-” The monster never even came…
Picture 2:This is of me flying away from the cave after leaving Samomo behind. He was saying that we took the wrong turn and he continued in the cave. I ditched his ass to do something better.
Ok, this is seriously the end of the blog now. There’s nothing left, I think. Oh and remember, the panda bear isn’t doomed yet. Oh there I went and mentioned bears like I said I wasn’t going to! Good thing I didn’t mention rabbits and their vegetable-ruining ways. Wait a second… does xxxVEGGIExxx fear rabbits in case they’ll eat him? Heh, never thought about that. o.o
FLYFF looks fun .
Polar Bears FTW .
Panda Bear Madness Minute! WHOA!
Ok, well enough of that. You should just find a nice assist to come along and help you. Then again, the monster IS twice your level,
CHEEZY U TRAITOR THERE REALLY WAS A 60X BOSS THERE it was as huge as a mountain and it was blue >.>