The title says it all. If you came here expecting to ready something, then too bad. I’m done here! Get out!
I’m just full of it. I’m not going to leave ya hanging. It’s not nice to do that. But enough of this pondershosh; it’s time to talk about what I did. Not you but me. This is my blog. Not yours. MINE.
I started the day at 72%. I joined HeeroJay’s guild and made a blog about it. You guys should totally check it out.
Hmmm… let me think now… Oh that’s right, after all that crap I went to PQ with my buddy. He did the thing when you make a party, your friend leaves a pq, then you get him in. Yah, it was awesome. We went to channel 1 and got in the pq. It was sweet. I died though; at Ali. =( That fat whale is such a jerk. I’ll give him a titty twister sometime. That’ll teach him to mess with me.
Well I was dead and my party went on to the bonus stage. They got to go on and get a bunch of goodies, but I was stuck with nothing. The slackers get prizes but I get nothing. Nuck nuck nuck…
Enough of the sentimental crap! I am a man! I don’t cry and whine! Well, remarkably, we ended up rushing. They even completed the bonus stage and we still got in. It was pretty cool. This PQ was short-lived though because the stupid mage (being a girl; coincidence? I think not) went afk and we had to rush… at Stage 2. That just
[insert random expression here].
Well, it was a miracle. We ended up rushing… again! We got to like… stage 8 or something and my buddy had to leave (who was the leader of all these pq’s). I was living the life up until he had to go. I was 95% too =)
Woops, I put a happy face there. =( =(
(the 1st sad face cancels out the happy one and the 2nd sad face makes it so it’s -1 happy points)
Well, I went to orbis with a guild member to do some stuff. It was that xzAMExZingx guy I talked about in my last blog (you really should see it, I’ll put another link for it).
So we got to Orbis and… I ditched the sap. I went to the guild place and (you know it) quit Heero’s guild.
~Srry Jay ='(
So now I’m in the guild “SorryImTaken”. It’s ok but there’s no emblem yet or no expansions. The leader’s a 103 CB for goodness sakes! I thought he would have at least 8.5mil to get an emblem and 20 members. The lazy bum. -_-
Well I do believe I have reached the end of my daily MMO’ing for the day. There’s nothing more to add. Oh wait a second! I leveled! Finally I’m level 37! *Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare plays in backround*
You have obtained 30 EXP~MasterCheeze has leveled up! HP+22 (oooh that’s good) MP+3 (ahh don’t be like that) STR+2 (wth? that’s it?) DEF+1 (oh come on!) ACC+5 (meh, not that bad) AVOID-3(what!!!!!) LUK-12(jesus christ! I need luck!!)
You have found 1 potion. A goblin came from behind and stole your wallet. You are now incapable to pay your debt to the mob. They come and waste you in 1 hit. You downgrade a level and lose all your exp. Save file is now corrupted. (game blows up) Ahhh, that peice of $#!%… it was a terrible game anyway.
Oh yah, here’s the link to my last blog again
I actually read through that whole thing O_O
Was it worth reading?
No, your blog was terrible. But I still clicked the “I licked it” button. Did I just say lick? Heh. . .
The Don was here. . .
Har har xD Titty twister
Meh, not surprised.
Front-page slap.
Sup Cheezy.
Ahh i should go back to maple and play with you guys. Sounds kinda fun.