Ok gentlemen, have I got a question for youz all. So… I’ve like started a new character in Broa and things are going good. So I was gonna start me a guild sometime but I need to think of a good name… does anyone got any ideas for a guild name that would like… be cool and everyone would want to join. I want it to represent… love, fun, games, coolness. I like the guild names IsVeryHawt and AceofSpades but those are already taken~but names that are kinda like that would be appreciated. Thx for ur help if u actually… errr help
think of your own name. Make it what you feel like. I, myself would name it after cold, snowy places like FreezyGuild or SnowFrost. Are you maybe a warrior or thief? Make it about the people you admire. Something like that xD
EDIT: I look over this and It looks weird
Hmmmm, well thinking of my own name makes me think of calling the guild KlubKatz cuz those are all my ign’s, xxxxKatz something
Make it what you think about, are you obsessed with something that might make a good name?
hey wasn’t Cheezy the name DorkDude made up?
SuperAMBU? (whatever ANBU means)
X treme? (X as the guild symbol)
. . .MasterCheeze?
um, why is this to gentlemen only!
Ladies have opinions too!
Make it something random or something. :3 I named my guild PillowBomb. :0 xP
WisconsinCheese? Lol I dont know
the emblem will be a “M”