An ode to FlyFF from Cheezy

I’m very emotional tonight folks. I just got done watching “The Real Match Game:Reason Behind the Blank”, my Bears lost the SuperBowl, there’s school tomorrow, and I got shot. I’m just sad sack tonight but the tales I have to tell of my 1st FlyFF experience should make everything better. Gather around folks because I have a tale to tell!

Mission to Mars~Day 1
Wait that doesn’t sound right… let me try that again.
FlyFF’ing~Day 1 Ok, that sounds about right.
It was a cold and windy day, but luckily I was inside the house sipping on some hot cocoa. I feel sorry for all the woodland critters who have to… wait they hibernate and the birds migrate. I guess noone has to deal with the cold in winter. I downloaded this… FlyFF that everyone was talking about. Like I said before (in some Forum I think) things were cruising by at an astonishing 180kb per second! It took like an hour to download the game and I was ready to play.

I downloaded it the night before but I didn’t wait long enough when I clicked on Setup for the game to be fully downloaded. I thought the icon was supposed to appear before and well… I just had to redownload it. I smacked myself for deleting it when all I had to do was wait a few seconds. For shame Cheezy, ya frickin’ idiot.

FlyFF’ing~Still Day 1
I clicked on the little icon buddy and the GameGuard thing came up. I pondered about this thinking I clicked on the MapleStory icon. Nope, it’s just messing with me. And finally after my long and arduous wait, I got to make my FlyFF friend! =D I created MasterCheeze in Mushpoie (same server my friend plays in) and I got cracking!

I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning. I couldn’t figure out how to talk, to move, to move the fricking camera. I accidentally closed the chat box thing and I coudln’t talk to anyone to ask for some help. I was so confused and everyone teased me and taunted me. Well actually not much people were playing so noone really taunted me.

I figured out a few of the functions and I noticed the little eyeball critters over yonder. I thought they would help me out but then I tried to talk to them, I accidentally killed them. D: I got a crazy glint in my eye and I went on a rampage killing all the little critters. I was relentless and I showed no mercy to them after they cried and screamed for me to spare their lives. I let them be after I got to level three [lol be and three rhyme xD] because I had found out about better monsters to train on. I killed a couple more of the eyeball things before I headed out because they never mentioned these new monsters to slay. (I thought they’d tell me so they can be sparred…)

To make a long story short, I trained and trained making a few friends along the way, and I died a bunch. I went exploring and well… I got my rear handed to me by a bunch of cruel, heartless monsters. I’m level 12 now and I plan to be a mercenary. Just a quick question though, can you reset skills that you put on Vagrant skills once you make the job advancement? Cuz I just realized the Vagrant skills are kinda of weak and I shouldn’t have raised them and I certainly don’t have the patience to restart my character… Kthxfortakingthetimetoreadthisokbyenowbyeloveyattyl


9 thoughts on “An ode to FlyFF from Cheezy”

  1. EvilStranger why haven’t you quit yet, what’s the point of writing that blog then, “EvilStranger Quits”?. For attention?

  2. DaRock this is a FlyFF blog! It all doesn’t have to be about MapleStory.
    This is certainly no place to talk about EvilStranger either! This is my blog! I get the attention around here. Either that or we talk about pie/waffles/cake/pancakes/icecream/cookies/brownies/cupcakes/muffins because they deserve recognition too.


  3. Don’t you hate when people have discussions and arguments through the comment feature? Yeah, it’s annoying. I’d help you out, but once again, I’m on Lawolf. I haven’t seen the new skill system, so I can’t answer your question.

  4. Yay, brownies! They actually got some recognition! =O

    I think they’re thoroughly underappreciated as a snack food along with cookies. .

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