Well, I’m level 64 now. I was at like 80% when I logged on, but I wasn’t feeling well (personal stuff) so my motivation to train was at a low. However, my best friend Gunship cheered me up as always (and my mom played a big part cause we had a talk about what was wrong). So I hopped off my Relaxer and went to Mix Golems.
Training was… long and boring but I kept myself entertained with my music. Me and Gunny started singing random lyrics to songs in all caps and I gave responses that made us both laugh, so that made training a bit more fun. :3 Not to mention that the first thing I found was a White Polyfeather Hat, which had one less Dex than mine. She also told me to wear a silly hat until I leveled up to keep myself entertained.
While I was training, a hacker came in my channel. Whoo. He left after I reported and got him to leave, though (1). When I was at 98%, however… I ran out of Pain Relievers and Mana Potions. All I had left were the 52 Blue Potions I found as drops from training (aside from the Polyfeather and like… 3 Blood Boards. >>; ).
So I asked Gun to get me some Mana pots but after that, I decided… let’s see if I can level up with just the blue potions I have! It was funny. I used arrows that I found as drops because I didn’t want to use Soul Arrow. I ran out of MP potions COMPLETELY at about 99.52%. Next thing you know, I’m making single shots to take the Mixes down. Gun was laughing at me.
Oh, and I found another Blood Board in the process, how lovely. o_o
So, with 5 Bloods in my inventory and my MP close to 0, I managed to level up to 64 (2)! Gunny was my witness, as you can see. After setting my AP and SP, I did what me and Gunny always do when we level up (3). I hugged the wrong Golem, though. D:
Let’s hope I can hit 65 soon~
Lol at the Buddy chat in [2]
funny how you leveled
Quick, do add another spiffy person to the Ranger ranks. ^^
(P.S You do what I do when I run out of mana pots and am really close to levelling up/ collecting a full set of ETC items.
I think the high-leveled monsters drop Blue Potions to taunt you. You showed them, though!
As a side note, KoopaForce is the best guild name I’ve yet seen! 
Congrats~! Hehe, I love the fact that you named your pet robot Bender.
Yayay, grats, sis!