Trainee LUDI PQ

J>PQ (Ludiburium)
(Joining Party Quest)
(Level 42 Assassin Aaron)
<Hey red stop sign, my party and I are ready for the quest, ya got room?>
(The sign looks at him) <You think? Everyone is asking for room and — I got room now,your in luck, but when you get out you might want to try hasting to get to me first>

(Warps into strange room)
<So what we do now?> says a noobie 35 mage (Jen)
<We go up those ladders and take down those ratz kido.> replys a level 45 warrior (Mark)

Jen- first met at Ludiburium entrance, who Aaron clumisily crashed into…
seems to make friends easily and Aaron and her have strong feelings for each other but more than they admit….

Mark-A high class prince from the high mountains of Perion, and came to train to avenge the murder of his father…
his past is unknown.

Party member’s 4, 5, 6
Mysterious random people Aaron grabbed to go in PQ…
(Note: I couldve gotten names but that would have caused some confusion on later story’s maybe…)

Mark leaps in the air and almost slashes a rat in half but…
<MAGIC CLAW!!!> The rat blows up and Mark is embarassed getting KS’d by a noob…
<What’s wrong Mark?> asks Jen automatically (Note: mages have HIGH intelligence duh~)
<Erm… it’s nothing> So for the rest of the PQ Jen stays quiet and lets Mark kill all the monsters…
<C’mon Jen, it’s not fun when you don’t help> says Aaron.
**Can you here me Aaron?** **What? Your talking in my mind?** **Um.. kinda but I think i need to go…**
**? How come? You were doing fine…** **It’s not that just I feel Mark doesnt feel like he needs a noob like me…**

(Note: The JMS or GMS part of this pq went through realy fast seeing that Jen got HIGH intelligience)
(LOL just saying — she’s a girl and I admit girl’s are smarter then men sometimes, I am a dude dudez…)

(At the battle with Alishar)
Power STRIKE!!! (miss~)
(Aaron you got a sniper pill?) pants Mark. Aaron tosses a sniper pill to Mark
*Chew chew* (Ok fatty, let’s dance)
**Hey Jen we need your help…** **… but…**
** Jen, shut it- just attack and your only a noob if you think you are, got that?**
**… Aaron… thank you and…**
**What?** **I need a sniper pills too…***
Aaron tosses her a sniper pill too

Cool a white napolean and a heart earring…..

The (**) Whats whisper or private messaging people prefer.. (to those who didnt figure it out)
Oh and Ludi Pq is very effective to level to 50 but i dont like to pq all day, some killing monsters besides Alish would be recommended….

8 thoughts on “Trainee LUDI PQ”

  1. i was so happy the moment i turned 51. i hated that PQ.
    But even though 70% of the time was spent with high level morons, i met my current guild in LPQ

  2. The word “ludibrium” is derived from the Latin root “lutus” meaning games or playthings.

  3. Metrolink said: “The word “ludibrium” is derived from the Latin root “lutus” meaning games or playthings.”

    Didn’t know that before, o.0. And has ludi pq really gone down the drain?

  4. ipod123432 said: “

    Metrolink said: “The word “ludibrium” is derived from the Latin root “lutus” meaning games or playthings.”

    Didn’t know that before, o.0. And has ludi pq really gone down the drain?”

    Yes, it has (at least in Broa). 80% that PQ there are immature idiots that steal your bonus items 90% of the time or just don’t know what the hell to do in Stg 8 even though they’ve done it many times before. I can’t wait till I get my cleric to 51 to get outta there.

  5. XD yea, ludi pq aint to good ey? yea im getting sick of soloing alish because of noob parties and then the noobs stealing the heart or skull earrings i JUST found >< dang and im only lvl 44. I shouldn’t deal with this, seeing that i spend all my pots and stars on one pq and then they complain i gtg get stars or something, so rubbish

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