Toushirou3 getting too much attention?

I was around ludibrium when toushirou3 wasn’t training and cool, SOOO many people were there. Okay, so it’s not really his fault that theres so many people, but i’d like people to know that people follow toushirou3 not because he’s a high leveler but because they’re greedy and want to loot off him. It’s stupid.

But toushirou3 is earning his way on the front page the easy way!!!

That’s true, but it’s not really his fault. I mean, im pretty sure he doesn’t go creating multiple accounts to do this. Plus, how can this affect you? One simple blog on the front page. jeez. Ifyour still complaining they i reackon your not woring hard enough on your stories.

Toushirou3’s complaining too much about hackers!!

True, hackers are everywhere. What can YOU do? If your legit, you should just be proud and not go “stupid hackers… i own them…”

What’s the point of yelling at hackers? I mean so they hack… EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! just live with it, You gain no respect whatsoever hacking okay?!
Now, back to the topic, toushirou3 complains about hackers but he has a reason to because getting to 13x and having somone pass him because of hacker does suck.. so yeah…

now your really annoying!~

okay, sorry, im leaving ><

12 thoughts on “Toushirou3 getting too much attention?”

  1. Aaru-kun, nope. I see many blogs, like on toushirou’s blog, mip says “why is this on the front page”
    and i see jf say “toushirou is complaining too much”
    and many others. tee hehehe

  2. Toushiro3 was the one who also held the anti-hacker protest in Ludi.

    I have never met him, so I can’t say much. However, with benifit of the doubt, I can say that he is annoying. His megaphones are annoying, but not as annoying as t3hlight’s. And the people who follow either of them are hopeless morons.

    But this is coming from me. Heh.

  3. vicelin said: “Toushiro3 was the one who also held the anti-hacker protest in Ludi.

    I have never met him, so I can’t say much. However, with benifit of the doubt, I can say that he is annoying. His megaphones are annoying, but not as annoying as t3hlight’s. And the people who follow either of them are hopeless morons.

    But this is coming from me. Heh.”

    but he does have the right to complain. he has vids of bodukowand hacking. not sure if he caught LAPD. so right now he is the only legit player in broa’s top 3 because of wizet’s stupidity. wizet is in the wrong places. they are fixing a glitch with the screws, busy banning ppl who have never done nx fraud; they would ban a loyal nx payer who they thought was suspicious before a hacker or scammer, plus they dont even know about reshcduling events. as a nx cash shop user i demand that i get my money’s worth

  4. haha, i’ve heard many things about toushi hacking.
    and he is full of himself.

    i saw him once and he told my character to “sex him”

    i don’t see what’s great about him at all.

    and no decent character levels above 120, i’m sorry.
    he’s just another rank hore.

  5. im gettin annoyed with toshirou3’s ranting and complaining about hackers -_-. “omg~ someone passed me on the ranking . , wdf”

    psh. . . like i care! it’s just a ranking, and we know he’s pretty much the highest legit player in Broa.

    “omg he passed me again and keeps whispering me and annoying me. i think i might quit. . .”

    i couldnt care less. peopel always say how hackers dampen their spirits. for crying out loud, who cares?! move on in life -_-“


  6. *Sniffle* you hurt my feelings! I’m toshirou!
    Nah, jk. It’s good old drunkdaddy here thinking about happy hour.
    To tell you the truth, I have nothing to say about him. Just wanted to say hi to all you people. HI!

  7. I think the whole how he is getting attention has gone to his head, T_T
    Oh well, I’m not in the same server as toshirou3. =]

  8. wakaka, i will train and become lvl 120! (in about 10years) but ya! and i’ll be the first nice one! >:D wakakaka,

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