thoughts~crystalmyth, story writing etc.

Hey all. Im map1eholic.

I love and i try to read many stories most of you people come up with. I know there have been many blogs which have gone to the front page for writing tips.

Alot of pm’s have been sent to me saying im good but i stand against it. My personalities are that i love to be modest. I would like to show you guys something. That is if you check my latest blog. you would see that i don’t have many people likng it. (for eg. i got 8) and i use to have 20. The reason for that would be because i personally don’t think that my writing skills have gone down but it refers to the time that i post it.

Now, for Crystalmyth.
Im going to try and say it in the nicest way that’s possible.
He is a guy. I hate him but why pay attention to him. Can’t you all see he’s trying to get attention? The more you write about him the happier he gets. He’s got what he wanted, so let’s just ignore him.

To mip:
I know you are a very talented writer and Crystalmyth is annoying you. I like the way you made a come back but i would like to add that he’s doing it because he’s jealous. I mean why doesn’t he pick on mini writers like me? or anyone else? Because he wants attention.

To Aaru:
About the whole thing. I totally understand and respect you for who you are. End of story.
If he wants to copy your stories, be happy that you have an admirer ^_~

To Jesusfreak:
I don’t think he’s been annoying you much but if he’s been calling you names just goes to show that he knows you. adds on to your popularity.

To Everyone else:
Just ignore him. He’s definitely tryin g to grab attention and seeking it. He’s got what he wanted. I know he can’t get into our nerves. I totally know what you mean but think about it. If a normal 7 year old annoys you. We just ignore the fact and think of his as a baby and that he needs his little bottle.
Let the “i hate crystalmyth” stop and let’s start the whole “who the hell is Crystalmyth?”

I wasn’t considering on this going on the front page but i would like to have at least 1 person understand my thought.

Next topic:
About the whole “my story isn’t getting read” thing

I just need to tell you all that your stories probably are getting read but just because they didn’t post any comments or they didn’t click they liked it doesn’t mean they didn’t view it. Also like i said above. It could be the time zone. Please stop going up to famous authors of MMOTales and say “your stealing all the fame” or whatever because that’s really mean and rude. They didn’t MEAN to steal all the fame and they havn’t.
Enough said.

After all of these things i said, i hope to see at least 1 of you agree with me. I may not be famous but after reading blogs i have to put my own opnions into it. Sorry for wasting your time if you think this was crap. Maybe you could
post your own opnions. I wouldn’t mind. I love being flamed. uh…let me reword it. I love being given sujestions to improve my work!

<3 peace out people ^_~


15 thoughts on “thoughts~crystalmyth, story writing etc.”

  1. For some reason, I find this sad (maybe because I just finished reading a sad story o.0).

    You’re right. Exactly right. Don’t worry about the less blog reads. It doesn’t matter. As long as you enjoy writing, keep going!

  2. YoMomma said: “O.o what about Nodaku! He is way better then every1 you said except Mip ^_^”

    he’s pretty good

  3. Lol, I find it pretty funny that you’re pretty much saying “he does it for attention, just ignore him”. . .how do you think he feels with a blog mostly written about him? 😉

    Oh, and Chicken:

    ~”Note: Cussing or advertising will result in an immediate and permanent ban.”


  4. JasminJane said: “Lol, I find it pretty funny that you’re pretty much saying “he does it for attention, just ignore him”. . .how do you think he feels with a blog mostly written about him? 😉

    Oh, and Chicken:

    ~”Note: Cussing or advertising will result in an immediate and permanent ban.”


    I don’t think it means advertising your blogs, just websites and sponsers and that.

  5. Yeah, even though CrystalMyth is gone, there’s always gonna be more annoying little pests. So we have to ignore them too. Making this blog sorta gives CM more attention, though.

    Anyway, I’m pretty sure CM has left us for good. And no, I had nothing to do with it. *hides sniper rifle* Hehe, *whistles*.

  6. Good suggestions, and I loved the message you sent out to the fans :3 I like you xD

    But yeah. CrystalMyth is SO yesterday morning, gawsh -rolls eyes-

    Purple butterflies are made for dancing to the beatnik apple~ <3

  7. sis, maybe your writing your stories abit slow? I mean why would a story go from 21 people liking it to 8? O___O

  8. yea, yu know how crystalmyth is gone?
    he is not
    he made a new account called crystalmeth
    i saw one blog he made tried to apoligize
    forgive me if im wrong

  9. Okay, Pirkid, get the story straight, ne?
    Yes, he did make a new account. CrystalMeth. However, he hasn’t said anything else to bother people or create a nuisance, and he didn’t particularly apologize, just speak in his defense. So since he hasn’t said anything that is just plain rude, I’ve decided to just leave him alone from here on, unless he does something again.

    So basically, all this about Crystal, it’s old news, I’d suggest everyone just drop it.


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