tears me apart.

Sorry, this is a poem in Real life, no about maple
I just felt like putting it on.

You were mine, mine from the start
It’s a shame we were apart
But now that your by my side
My feelings i no longer have to hide
When i look deeply into your eyes
You made me deeply realise
I love you, loved you always
No matter what you say
I’ll never change my ways
Even though you may
not love me back that much
I longed for just a touch
My heart just breaks
Our love separates
I just have to say, you took my heart
and tore it apart.
I take one last glance
This may be my last chance
To say “i love you”
Longing just for you to say “me too” …

9 thoughts on “tears me apart.”

  1. c’mon! Admit you made it up in 2 seconds. It’s for *cough cough* your, *cough cough* crush *hint hint cough cough cough cough*
    Okay, i have abit too much

  2. okay okay, drop it sis. Though it is a shame that *cough* Renome stopped you from writing ur great blogs.

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