choose between me or her! pt 8

Samantha shot arrows out from her godly Metus which were aiming straight towards Toushirou.
As the arrows were coming, Toushirou was fighting Kevin at that moment and didn’t see the arrow. I happened to pop by just in time and used Holy arrow to knock off Samantha’s arrow.

“oh….my…bloody…god, it’s the legendary… TOUSHIROU!!” I shrieked
“calm down little b*tch, Kevin’s fighting against you. Hahaha, how does it feel now?! Hahaha!” Samantha laughed with a smirk of her face.
“Honey, please, pleasure to last. We haven’t won let” Kevin said all mushy
“awww, Love, we will win” Samantha said as they smooched.
I watched disgusted and sad.
Toushirou took this chance with his heavy Devil’s sunrise and slashed it at Kevin and Samantha causing Samantha to lose his balance and drop back. Toushirou quickly invited me into a party sort of thing. I felt so useless. I mean a stupid 5x with a fairy wand wearing 4x clothes. Fighting with this 13x I felt honoured but I felt noob because I was facing these 3rd and 4th job advancements!

I stood back healing toushirou with every chance I could. I see him getting healed SLOWLY. I couldn’t do much I tried my best. Then from out of no where, an arrow shot me right it the arm. I fell back helplessly.
“aaahh!” I moaned in pain.
“Are you alright?” Toushirou asked
As soon as he started talking, it was SUCH a bad idea, Starts flew behind him and I stared helplessly as Toushirou fell down behind me. He quickly got onto his feet and charged at those two. That was good but there was still the whole guild. I healed myself abit and limped behind Toushirou. I stood there healing bit my bit. Lightning struck down and ice down onto Toushirou. He still didn’t give up. A true pro but still my healing wasn’t good enough. How pathetic I felt.

Stars flew across me and Lightning struck down, only luckily, they weren’t aiming at toushirou or me but at the opposition!
Yes! Help was here. My dad mumbled a spell which caused lightning to come down and saw many or dad’s guild members.
Toushirou quickly got them into our party and a stronger and better priest starting healing everyone. I felt relieved but the fight isn’t over yet. Soon the battle field started getting messy. I stared as everything sort of happened before my eyes. Suddenly, stars flew at me. They were thrown from Kevin, from out of no where a beastly looking drake appeared and took the damage for me. THANK GOD. I just couldn’t fnd myself to hit Kevin. Inside I knew I still loved him but… but…

Oh my head started to hurt again which gave Kevin another chance to hit me. Josh jumped in front of me and took the pain.
“oh my gosh! Are you alright?!?!” I ran to Josh and I healed him, but as I said, my healing wasn’t that good and the priest seemed busy. I left the party and teleported Josh to the side. Kevin…that monster actually put poison into those stars!
“Josh, you’re my … my… brother!” I told him
“what…” he said weakly
“You’re my brother, I always wondered why we liked the same things. Im pretty sure of it” I smiled
He smiled back weakly because he seemed to be getting weaker by the minute. Then he closed his eyes.
“NOO!” I cried as tears spilled out of my eyes. My brother… I let him die? No! This is all my fault. I got him into the friggen mess! I hate myself for doing this!

“AAAAAAAAAAAH!” I screamed. I didn’t know what got into me, I fiercely thought, Kevin you b*started!
I didn’t care if I gotten hurt, I aimed numerous holy arrows and magic claws. They did little damage but they were enough to make him stumble to the ground.
He turned around with those attracting eyes. My eyes just stared into them. I had liked him I thought but he killed my brother. I held the steely which hit my brother which and I threw it back at him. I aimed holy arrows which caused him to doge but doge right into the steely.
I had gotten what I wanted. The little poison left was enough to make him fall on the ground. I felt pleased.

“oh my blood hell, b*tch, you are SOOO going to get it.” Samantha said as she raised her godly bow.

13 thoughts on “choose between me or her! pt 8”

  1. loved it! but there were grammar and spelling issues that took away from it, but otherwise very nice =D

  2. gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr lol i dont care about the spelling cause i cant spell either XD the story is very good =]

  3. lol all thee peope are like grammer grammer grammer, I MEAN SO WHAT DOESN’T MEAN you have to stinkin say grammer grammer grammer =_=, but the story. ummm, didnt get the point about who was smooching, i was like what on earth happend?

  4. OMG i love these stories you are really good and keep them coming, and i think it’s funny how you keep refering to Samantha’s Metus as her godly Metus. xD

  5. hey all. The next chappie will be very long and will be the end of that series. Series two will return in 1 week. <3 you all ^_~

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